Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Norwegian translation:

Klikk for å ringe

Added to glossary by Helene Olsen Richards
Dec 27, 2014 07:19
10 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term


English to Norwegian Other Marketing -
In fact, research shows that 52% of smartphone users have called a business after looking for local information on their mobile devices. Calls are key in helping consumers connect with businesses in the digital age, so incorporating a click-to-call strategy on mobile is crucial for any company that does business over the phone.

Proposed translations

2 hrs

Klikk for å ringe

I have to apologize, because I agree with all Per says - but unfortunately both Microsoft and Skype agree on this more literal Word-for-Word translation, and I don't think we will be given the option to improve on it :-( .
Peer comment(s):

agree Per Bergvall : No apology is called for - we know Microsoft is God in these matters. I just learned that chat is now an official Norwegian word, as in jeg chatter, vi chattet, vil du chatte med meg i morgen? Go figure.
4 days
Om tre år heter det 'tsjatte' ('sjætte'??). Ikke mange som skriver wire for vaier eller clutch for kløtsj, lenger.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: ":)"
2 hrs


Alternative ways of putting it would be 'ring med et klikk', 'klikk for å ringe', or 'kloikk og ring' (i.e. without the dashes).
The bigger term is 'a click-to-call strategy on mobile', and that opens new possibilities. "Strategi for enkel oppringing fra mobil" sounds boring, but that's what it is. "Strategi for klikk-og-ring fra mobil" - good thing I'm not on the advisory board, having to decide on corporate silliness like this.
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