Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

scarcity value

Norwegian translation:


Mar 24, 2009 15:56
15 yrs ago
English term

scarcity value

GBK English to Norwegian Bus/Financial Economics
Definition from Wikipedia:
Scarcity value is the economic factor that increases an item's relative price based more upon its relatively low supply. Whereas the prices of newly-produced manufactured products depends mostly on the cost of production (the cost of inputs used to produce them, which in turn reflects the scarcity of the inputs), the prices of many goods -- such as antiques, rare stamps, and those raw materials in high demand -- reflects the scarcity of the products themselves.
Example sentences:
The improving economic situation makes up for fairly small borrowing needs increasing the scarcity value for Sweden’s triple-A bonds (Incisive Media Ltd.)
Then there is the simple fact that about ten times more apartments have been built than villas since 2002, so villas have a scarcity value as well as being perceived as the better lifestyle choice. (Axia Fx)
If it's common for a company to miss a profits forecast, then, by definition, it's unusual for a company rarely to miss a forecast. Such a company, therefore, has a scarcity value and its shares should be sought-after. (The Financial Times Limited)
Change log

Mar 24, 2009 15:26: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Mar 24, 2009 15:56: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Mar 27, 2009 16:56: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Apr 4, 2009 11:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"


Per Bergvall Mar 24, 2009:
Stinky definitions Might we perchance refrain from objectionable characterisations like the definition stinks? Scarcity value comes from demand overwhelming supply, be they both huge or infinitesimal - or, as is usually the case, somewhere in between.

Proposed translations

8 mins


Definition from own experience or research:
Verdi pga. sterk etterspørsel (Clue)
Example sentences:
Antall konsesjoner kan i utgangspunktet ikke begrenses, men de har hatt en knapphetsverdi når de har blitt koblet sammen med en rett til å ta i bruk ... (Post- og teletilsynet)
Note from asker:
Your conclusion is correct, but the definition stinks! The point is not that demand is large, but that supply is scarce!
Header Valves
la vanne du collecteur ......
nourrice/caisse en charge : header tank... header : collecteur
That is one version of 'nourrice', though I think here you are actually looking at 'nourrice en charge'. BUT we have already had several questions (and I have encountered the term in my own documents) on 'nourrice', where it was definitely nothing like a 'header tank', so I think there is a wider range of possible meanings.
nourrice ne convient pas au contexte de return supply... par contre collecteur d'alimentation et collecteur de retour sont cohérents...
Hello Tony it's a Emergency Operations Procedure for CRAH (computer room air handler) document
Hi Olivier, it's a Emergency Operations Procedure for CRAH (computer room air handler) document
CONTEXT: Emergency Operations Procedure for CRAH (computer room air handler) document. The information I had about the "header" was "It’s a central connection for the chilled water pipes" I also have for example " Chilled Water Header - Supply / Return Motorized Valves Fail to Open /Communication Failure"
I thought it was "eau réfrigérée" but found also "eau froide"
Peer comment(s):

agree Svein Hartwig Djaerff : OK, I had to answer another GBK before getting to this ;)
8 mins
agree Vedis Bjørndal (X)
10 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
15 mins


Definition from NTNU:
Knapphetsverdi viser til den økonomiske markedsprisen av den knappe ressursen. En<br />ressurs’ markedsverdi har sammenheng med deres knapphet. Jo mindre tilgang det er<br />på en ressurs, desto knappere er den, og desto høyere markedspris har den, forutsatt at<br />ytre faktorer, slik som f.eks. forbrukernes preferanser og utvinningskostnad. Dette<br />tydliggjøres ved å se på tilbuds- og etterspørselskurvene.
Example sentences:
Kraftprisen (kraftverdien) er i modellen sammensatt av en knapphetsverdi på energi (vannmagasin), og en knapphetsverdi på effekt (turbiner, rør). (Olje- og Energidepartementet)
Peer comment(s):

agree EC Translate
21 mins
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