This question was closed without grading. Reason: Errant question
Feb 4, 2015 12:54
9 yrs ago
English term
construction license
English to Norwegian
Construction / Civil Engineering
It is not the permit to realize a certain project (byggetillatelse), but a licence that is given to a graduate of civil engineering so to certify that he has the knowledge and qualifications to erect objects (certified builder's licence).
Proposed translations
4 +1 | byggetillatelse | Morten Wallentinsen |
Proposed translations
12 mins
Hope this helps!
Note added at 26 mins (2015-02-04 13:21:14 GMT)
Sorry, I was a little bit fast here. I am not sure what this can be as the law only requieres you to state what, where and who should be responsible for the building of a project. The responsible for the project can, in principle, be anybody (Det eksisterer i dag ingen generelle kvalifikasjonskrav for å etablere bedrift innenfor byggenæringen i Norge. ).
Note added at 27 mins (2015-02-04 13:22:13 GMT)
Please also cf. Byggesaksforskriften for this.
Note added at 26 mins (2015-02-04 13:21:14 GMT)
Sorry, I was a little bit fast here. I am not sure what this can be as the law only requieres you to state what, where and who should be responsible for the building of a project. The responsible for the project can, in principle, be anybody (Det eksisterer i dag ingen generelle kvalifikasjonskrav for å etablere bedrift innenfor byggenæringen i Norge. ).
Note added at 27 mins (2015-02-04 13:22:13 GMT)
Please also cf. Byggesaksforskriften for this.
Example sentence:
Søknad om byggetillatelse skal inneholde nøyaktig redegjørelse for alle forhold som er nødvendig til bedømmelse av arbeidets lovlighet.
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