Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Enshrine in statute

Lithuanian translation:

įteisinti statutuose

Added to glossary by Gintautas Kaminskas
Feb 17, 2010 07:11
15 yrs ago
English term

Enshrine in statute

English to Lithuanian Other Tourism & Travel
The Act enshrines in statute current best practice and common law principles concerning people who lack mental capacity and those who take decisions on their behalf.

O kaip isversti current best practice?
Proposed translations (Lithuanian)
4 +1 įteisinti statutuose
Change log

May 20, 2010 08:38: Gintautas Kaminskas Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

11 mins

įteisinti statutuose

The Act enshrines in statute current best practice and common law principles concerning people who lack mental capacity and those who take decisions on their behalf. = Įstatymas įteisina statute dabartinę pažangiausią praktiką ir bendrus teisės principus, susijusius su žmonėmis, kuriems trūksta protinių gabumų ir su tais, kurie priima sprendimus jų vardu.
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agree albina auguniene (X)
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