Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

waiting room

Lithuanian translation:

laukimo salė

Added to glossary by Gilmanovich
Oct 12, 2007 10:22
17 yrs ago
English term

waiting room

English to Lithuanian Other Tourism & Travel
Please help to choose the right term for the "waitng room" on the train station: "laukimo salė" or "laukiamoji salė" or maybe "laukiamasis"?

Proposed translations

1 hr

laukimo salė

laukimo salė

Note added at 1 val. (2007-10-12 11:46:39 GMT)

Ah yes, and here's something about a railway station:

Sekmadienį VSAT Vilniaus rinktinės pasieniečiai Kenos geležinkelio stoties laukimo salėje patikrino Ukrainos piliečio dokumentus.
Example sentence:

Verslo klasės laukimo salė Vilniaus oro uoste.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
3 mins


I would choose "laukiamasis".
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3 mins

laukiamoji salė

"Laukiamasis" isn't used in the context of raillway stations.

Note added at 10 mins (2007-10-12 10:33:05 GMT)

"Laukiamoji" is pronominal form of the adjective. While both forms could be used, I'd prefer "laukiamoji salė". This website, dedicated to the Lithuanian language, supports the same opinion:
„Iš pirmo žvilgsnio atrodo, kad laukimo salė patogiau ir trumpiau negu laukiamoji salė. Tačiau antrąjį terminą galima trumpinti – sakyti: čia laukiamoji; susitiksime laukiamojoje; eikim į laukiamąją ir pan., vadinasi, lankstesnis, patogesnis yra būtent šis terminas.“

Note added at 21 mins (2007-10-12 10:44:06 GMT)

I can't remember :)
Note from asker:
And what is the difference between "laukimo" and "laukiamoji"?
OK, thank you very much. And what is written on the waiting rooms in the railway stations?
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