Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Quarternium ammonium

Greek translation:

τεταρτοταγές αμμώνιο

Added to glossary by Katerina Kallitsi
Sep 6, 2004 17:28
20 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term

Quarternium ammonium

English to Greek Science Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng Probe kit

The product line ΧΧΧ™ is designed for quantitative determinations of infectious organisms in human.

1. Identification of the Substance/Preparation and Company
Product name: ΧΧΧ Product code: ΧΧΧ

2. Composition/Information on Ingredients

Ingredient: Quarternium ammonium compound
Classification Key: T+=very toxic, T=toxic, C=corrosive, Xn=harmful, Xi=irritant, EM=unclassified, E=explosive, O=oxidising, F+=highly flammable, F= flammable, M=mutagen, A=allergy inducing, K=carcinogenic, R=reproductive hazard, H=skin absorption, V=read warning text, N=harmful to the environment

3. Hazard Identification
Harmful to health by inhalation, skin contact and ingestion.

Proposed translations

25 mins

τεταρτοταγές αμμώνιο

Παραφθορά του quarternary ammonium

Το Divosan VT8w περιέχει ως απολυ αντικό παράγοντα χλωριούχο
τεταρτοταγές α ωνιακό άλας 5-15%. ... pages/su319/$file/SU_319.pdf
Peer comment(s):

agree Andras Mohay (X) : Ναι. Quaternium = ΜΙΑ ένωση τεταρτοταγούς αμμωνίου (δηλ. του quaternary ammonium), αλλά quaternium ammonium είναι συμφυρμός (πάντρεμα) του quaternium και του quaternary ammonium. (Βρήκα και «τεταρτογενές αμμώνιο» σε κείμενο κοσμετολογίας : - ))
30 mins
agree Vicky Papaprodromou
43 mins
agree vasevag
54 mins
agree Anthi Kotsiliou
1 hr
agree Elena Petelos
2 hrs
agree Lamprini Kosma
13 hrs
agree Evdoxia R. (X)
14 hrs
agree Betty Revelioti
15 hrs
agree SGOUZA
16 hrs
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