Dec 4, 2007 08:39
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

straw attachments

English to German Tech/Engineering Engineering (general)
4 body rings, 1 short leg, 1 long leg, 2 gripper hands, 2 straw attachments, 4 terminal caps, 4 bolts and nuts, screws, 1 toy motor with gear, 2 eyes base plates, 2 metal wires, 2 eyes, 1 axle with gear, 1 motor/axle cover, 2 bendy straws, 1 battery casing with cover and wires, 2 plastic feet and 1 body plate.

. Push a bendy straw onto each straw attachment on the body ring. Push a gripper hand onto the other end of each straw.

Aus einem Roboterbausatz für Kinder. Ideen?

Scheint ein Teil zu sein, auf welches ein Partystrohhalm aufgesteckt wird.
Proposed translations (German)
4 (Stäbchen)Befestigungspunkte

Proposed translations

42 mins


Straw = Strohhalm, Stäbchen
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Danke!"
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