Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

protection discrimination curve

German translation:


Added to glossary by gofink
Feb 15, 2016 09:09
9 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

protection discrimination curve

English to German Tech/Engineering Electronics / Elect Eng Autoglasherstellung
For each supply path a diagram showing the protection discrimination curve
Proposed translations (German)
4 Selektivitätskennlinie
Change log

Feb 22, 2016 14:11: gofink Created KOG entry


Johannes Gleim Feb 15, 2016:
Kontext? Worum geht es eigentlich? Bitte den ganzen Absatz posten!
Rolf Keller Feb 15, 2016:
Mit Autoglas hat das sicher null Komma nichts zu tun. Auch wenn nur ein Satzbruchstück als Kontext angegeben ist. :-(

Es sind wohl "Selektivitäts-Kennlinien", auch "Kennlinien der Auslöse-Selektivität".
Solche Kurven findet man z. B. hier:

Proposed translations

13 hrs


Protection discrimination: How to use the discrimination tables for discrimination between 2 distribution circuit breakers - see

protection discrimination = Schutzunterscheidung (Selektivität) - see

curve = Kennlinie

Protection discrimination curve = Selektivitätskennlinien

Note added at 14 hrs (2016-02-16 00:00:52 GMT)

What is discrimination?
Discrimination, also called selectivity, is the coordination of automatic protection
devices in such a manner that a fault appearing at a given point in a network is
cleared by the protection device installed immediately upstream of the fault, and by
that device alone. - see
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