Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

addendum assessments

French translation:

Évaluations supplémentaires

Added to glossary by Bertrand Leduc
Nov 29, 2012 13:41
12 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

addendum assessments

English to French Social Sciences Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. Children's Services
During the course of these proceedings Ms X has acknowledged her inability to care for her children and has requested that consideration be made to placing them with family members.
The Local Authority has made substantial efforts to enable the children to be placed within their family of origin.
They have approached four different sets of carers and undertaken three viability assessments and two full assessments and two *****addendum assessments****.

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Proposed translations

8 mins

Évaluations supplémentaires


Note added at 8 mins (2012-11-29 13:50:09 GMT)

full assessments and two *****addendum assessments = des évaluations complètes et deux évaluations supplémentaires
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Merci Gilou !
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agree Katalin Hajós : Je suis d'accord avec cette solution!
1 day 1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Merci !"
3 mins

évaluations psychologiques complémentaires

" An insurance company sends an individual to the facility for an independent psychological assessment.

Une compagnie d'assurances envoie un particulier à l'établissement pour lui faire subir une évaluation psychologique indépendante."
Note from asker:
Merci FX !
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