Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

initial setting / early setting / flower and fruit setting

Dutch translation:

initiële zetting, vroege zetting, bloemzetting, vruchtzetting

Added to glossary by Ghislaine Giebels (X)
Jun 25, 2013 11:47
11 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

initial setting / early setting / flower and fruit setting

English to Dutch Other Agriculture Kasteelt
Het gaat om een vertaling van productspecifiaties van matten (slabs) waarop in kassen geteelt wordt. Hieronder een aantal zinnen waarin de termen 'initial setting', 'early setting' en 'flower and fruit setting' voorkomen. Wat is dat precies?

A targeted application of water and nutrients from the start of the cultivation cycle enables sustainable water and fertilizer use but also results in improved crop steering, initial setting and fruit development.

In combination with other management strategies this also facilitates improved crop steering and better initial setting and fruit development – resulting in resilient plants that give high production.

Tomatoes can benefit from the uniform water distribution and good EC replacement offered by xx, while sweet peppers will show fast growth, uniform stem development and early setting

Steering based on a lower water content combined with a higher EC level encourages plants that are more compact and generative, with the focus on flower and fruit setting.

Proposed translations

8 mins

initiële zetting, vroege zetting, bloemzetting, vruchtzetting

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Note added at 14 mins (2013-06-25 12:02:00 GMT)
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