Oct 7, 2006 19:47
18 yrs ago
English term

per pal

English to Czech Tech/Engineering Electronics / Elect Eng FM radio
FM stereo radio(optional function)
Super auto search station or handle search station function, can save 40 (per pal 20)different frequency local stations.
Proposed translations (Czech)
4 +2 na pásmo


Pavel Blann Oct 7, 2006:
Nevím, zda to psal Japonec nebo Číňan či nějaký technik. PAL může znamenat cokoli, např. programmable array logic, palette, druh atd.

Proposed translations

3 mins

na pásmo

FM1 a FM2
Note from asker:
Jste borec, pane kolego, vypadá to logicky. Kde vzali Angličané (nebo Amíci) to "pal" namísto waveband?
Peer comment(s):

agree Prokop Vantuch
6 mins
agree Lubosh Hanuska
7 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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