Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

a period of One (1) firm well

Arabic translation:

مدة بئر مؤكد واحد

Added to glossary by Hassan Lotfy
Aug 16, 2016 14:40
8 yrs ago
English term

a period of One (1) firm well

English to Arabic Tech/Engineering Petroleum Eng/Sci Petroleum Eng.
THis is in a Contract - Petroleum

The contract is for a period of one firm well

I found the following :

The total firm program is expected to have a duration of some 240 days, excluding mobilization."
I need it in Arabic please

Change log

Aug 16, 2016 16:33: Abdallah Ali changed "Language pair" from "Arabic to English" to "English to Arabic"

Aug 21, 2016 11:18: Hassan Lotfy Created KOG entry

Aug 21, 2016 11:18: Hassan Lotfy changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/1397959">Hassan Lotfy's</a> old entry - "a period of One (1) firm well"" to ""مدة يئر مؤكد واحد""

Proposed translations

4 hrs

مدة يئر مؤكد واحد

firm well=
a well that 'must' be drilled no matter what
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53 mins

المدة التي يستغرقها الانتهاء من العمل بالبئر المُجهز/ المًعد

المدة التي يستغرقها الانتهاء من العمل ببئر البترول المُجهز

The next Sub-Phase of SC 63 (Sub-Phase 3) carries a two well commitment (one firm well, one contingent well) during the period from 24 November 2018 to 24 November 2019.
There are: Firm drilling program and Contingent drilling programs.

Firm drilling program:
1 -horizontal well

Contingent drilling programs.
1 vertical pilot well + horizontal (Location G)
1 deep vertical pilot well (Location A)
1 deep vertical pilot well (Location A)
والله أعلم

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53 mins

firm well

well means in arabic : بئر
drilling wells : حفر الآبار
firm well: البرنامج الزمني المحدد للحفر
Example sentence:

تواصل شركة .... عملاق النفط الايطالى، تنفيذ البرنامج الزمنى المحدد لأعمال تنمية مشروع حقل ....، فى منطقة امتياز شروق بالبحر المتوسط، حيث يقدر م

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