Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:


English translation:

slide chair

Added to glossary by Henrik Hdez.-Villaescus Hirsch
Jul 18, 2020 16:07
4 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Danish term


Danish to English Tech/Engineering Transport / Transportation / Shipping Train construction
Tilslutning glidestole
Tilslutningen mellem tungen og glidestole kontrolleres. Den maksimale afvigelse fra den nominelle værdi noteres i skemaet. Glidestole der ikke overholder tolerancen noteres med nummerangivelse startende fra tungespids. Her er h og v henholdsvis højre og venstre skinne set fra sporskiftets forende mod sporskiftets bagende. Målet udføres når tungen er tilsluttet sideskinnen med en kraft tilsvarende kraften fra sporskiftedrevet.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +1 slide chair

Proposed translations

20 mins

slide chair

slide chair: glidestol (i sporskifte)

Note added at 22 mins (2020-07-18 16:29:50 GMT)

A slide chair in a railway track at a switch is that portion of the tapered rail segment that guides the train from one track to the switch track. The slide chair moves horizontally to select with which track the train will be aligned. Moved out of the way, the train will proceed straight ahead. With the slide chair moved over to the rail, it will guide the train to the alternate (switch) rail to follow the other track.

Note added at 32 mins (2020-07-18 16:40:15 GMT)

glidestole - slide chairs
Peer comment(s):

agree Thomas T. Frost
2 mins
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