Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:


English translation:

property number or parcel number [pertaining to Danish cadastral identification number]

Added to glossary by Pernille Kienle
Nov 11, 2022 22:56
2 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Danish term


Danish to English Other Real Estate sale of property
This appears in a purchase agreement related to a property. Does anyone know the equivalent of delnr. in English? I have to deliver by noon Sunday Pacific Time.

Overdragelsen omfatter den sælger tilhørende ejendomme.
Matr. nr. Areal
1 ba (delnr. 5) xxx, xxx 81.682 m2

Proposed translations

17 hrs

property number or parcel number [pertaining to Danish cadastral identification number]

Data model of registers of real property in Denmark. › figure
The valuation registration contains information concerning identification of the property (cadastral number and property number), land area of each parcel and ...

The Danish Digital Cadastral Map – A Tool for Land ... › TS7_12_christensen
It contains all key identifications within each subsystem, (e.g. the parcel number, the building number, the street address, etc.) and the cross-reference ...

Danish experience with introduction of e-cadastre in 2008 and ... › hojgaard.denmark.pdf
Pia Dahl Højgaard, Cadastre and Legal Authority, ... thereby the basis for property marked in Denmark ... Cadastral numbers – identify parcels eg.
20 páginas

Note added at 17 hrs (2022-11-12 16:42:35 GMT)

Oops! small typo there on my part, sorry:

Danish experience with introduction of e-cadastre in 2008 and ... › hojgaard.denmark.pdf
Pia Dahl Højgaard, Cadastre and Legal Authority, ... thereby the basis for property marked in Denmark ... Cadastral numbers – identify parcels eg.
20 pages

Note added at 3 days 13 hrs (2022-11-15 12:20:48 GMT) Post-grading

I lige måde. Det var så lidt!
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40 mins

subdivision number

A general term, In some jurisdictions, though, may be called a 'sub-tenement' or (non-literary) 'sub-plot' number. Allotment in BrE usually denotes a garden allotment, not necessarily attached to the main property sold.
Example sentence:

In a partition by allotment, which is not available in all jurisdictions, the court awards full ownership of the land to a single owner or subset of owners, and orders them to pay the person or persons divested of ownership for the interest awarded.

Canada In Alberta, subdivision is the dividing of a single parcel of land into two or more parcels, each to be given a separate title. Subdivision is also used for existing lot line adjustments.

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