Jul 20, 2012 10:42
12 yrs ago
Danish term


Danish to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature
Et dialektspørgsmål til jyderne :)

"En Røgsøjle steg lige op fra den graa Skorsten midt paa Huset og famled med sine Taver efter Himlen." Jeppe Aakjær - Tre paa een Stige

Any offers?
So far, I've found this: http://ordnet.dk/ods/ordbog?query=tage&search=Søg
and this: http://www.denstoredanske.dk/Natur_og_miljø/Botanik/Plantecy...
Proposed translations (English)
1 strands


564354352 (X) Jul 22, 2012:
Probably too late now, but ... wispy strands... maybe?
564354352 (X) Jul 20, 2012:
No, not exactly I meant that you beat me to the reference. :)

I don't think that any of the explanations matches Jeppe Aakjær's use of 'taver' precisely. I would understand it as a creative use of the general gist of all the meanings of 'taver', i.e. fibre, trævler, totter etc.

The tricky thing in your text, as I see it, is that it says that the smoke rises straight up, but also that it has 'taver', which in my understanding would indicate that the smoke is somewhat 'frayed'. This is why I suggested 'strands' as something that could both go straight up and be frayed.

Not a very precise answer, I'm afraid, hence my low rating of my own answer!
David Young (X) (asker) Jul 20, 2012:
Thanks Gitte Do you mean you agree that 3) makes most sense? I get this image of light ash glowing in the smoke.
564354352 (X) Jul 20, 2012:
You beat me to it Great minds think alike... or something... ;)
David Young (X) (asker) Jul 20, 2012:
New reference found http://ordnet.dk/ods/ordbog?query=Tave,2

I think 3) makes most sense, but still open to other offers - especially for the English :)

Proposed translations

16 mins


... its strands reaching for the sky... or something... ;)

I don't think it is dialect, just old usage.

Same source as you quoted, but look up 'tave':

Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I discussed your answer with my sister-in-law (cand.mag.dansk.litt) who agreed with your interpretation. Thanks again for your help."
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