Jun 16, 2013 11:21
11 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Danish term

Anden Cave

Danish to English Medical Medical: Health Care Medical
Okay, I have found what this means on the Internet (allergy to non-medical products), but how is it translated in English?
Proposed translations (English)
2 Further caution

Proposed translations

20 hrs

Further caution

I translate CAVE as Caution

Caution: allergy to... for instance.

It is not always allergy to antibiotics, but often is.

If no better suggestion comes in, I would write ´Further caution: ...´

... followed by whatever it may be, risk of interaction with medication, anticoagulants etc.

That is how I understand the instructions here, for instance

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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you"

Reference comments

1 hr

definition af begreber

1.3. 4. Allergi og intolerans (CAVE), fællespsykiatrisk retningslinje
***CAVE er latinsk for ”Vogt dig” eller ”Undgå” og anvendes i patientjournalen ved både allergi og intolerans***. Der skelnes i patientjournalen mellem to typer CAVE:
MedicinCave, som refererer til allergi/intolerans overfor medikamentelle præparater (Cave-feltet lyser rødt, når der er registreret MedicinCave)
***Anden Cave, som henviser til allergi/intolerans overfor fx fødevarer, pollen, græs, latex, parfume, jod og plaster*** (Cave-feltet lyser orange, når der er registreret Anden Cave).

Note added at 1 hr (2013-06-16 13:12:09 GMT)

CAVE is the Latin term for "Beware" or "Avoid" and is used patient records for both allergies and intolerances such as:

allergy / intolerance to foodstuffs, pollen, grass, latex, perfumes, iodine and (medical transdermal skin) patches

Note added at 1 hr (2013-06-16 13:13:24 GMT)

sorry, small correction in my translation:

CAVE is the Latin term for "Beware" or "Avoid" and is used ***in*** patient records for both allergies and intolerances such as:

allergy / intolerance to foodstuffs, pollen, grass, latex, perfumes, iodine and (medical transdermal skin) patches

Note added at 4 hrs (2013-06-16 15:25:37 GMT)

Den forløbsorienterede journal - Sundhedsstyrelsen
***Cave uden relation til lægemidler kan angives ved anden cave navn*** for ..... D i SKS, eller fra en kommende klassifikation af problemer i SKS. Der er to måder, ...

EPJ Leksikon
***Cave: Faktorer, der udgør en risiko for patienten***. Client/server-løsning: En måde at ... Svarer til SKS klassifikationen af sygdomme. Diagnosehierarki: Prioriteret ...
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