Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:

under billede af

English translation:

showing signs of, with suspected

Added to glossary by eodd
Dec 10, 2015 15:37
9 yrs ago
Danish term

under billede af

Danish to English Medical Medical (general)
A person with a history of alcoholism was
"indlægges under billede af hepatisk encephalopati"

It's only a short medical report so I don't have a lot to go on.
I'm not sure if "under billede af" here means "with suspected hepatic encephalopathy" "due to hepatic encephalopathy", "hepatic encephalopathy confirmed with a scan" or somethink else.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +2 showing signs of, with suspected


eodd (asker) Dec 11, 2015:
Thank you very much Pernille
Pernille Kienle Dec 10, 2015:
Maybe... someting with symptoms - since it says 'under billede af' - just a thought :)

Proposed translations

43 mins

showing signs of, with suspected

Hepatic encephalopathy seems to be a somewhat vague diagnosis, which can manifest in different ways, so the person might be admitted to hospital to find out more precisely what was involved in his/her specific case.
Peer comment(s):

agree Michele Fauble
15 mins
agree Neil Paterson
3 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Christine"
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