Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:


English translation:

packing material / packaging material

Added to glossary by Russell Mattinson (X)
Sep 4, 2006 21:46
18 yrs ago
Danish term


Danish to English Law/Patents Law: Taxation & Customs Packaging
Emballeringsmaterialer samt labels er ofte forsynet med genkendelige stregkoder

How does this word differ from emballage (packaging)?
Proposed translations (English)
4 +4 packing material / packaging material

Proposed translations

11 mins

packing material / packaging material

same question: what's the difference? At any rate, packing material has around 30 million Google hits and packaging material around 50 million. Take your pick.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Kim Metzger : It would appear the asker doesn't need the difference between the English words, but the difference between the Danish words. When it's 9 am in Florida, it's 8 am in Mexico.
1 hr
agree Jens Kaestel
7 hrs
tak, Jens
agree Christine Andersen : It's material when it's a roll of plastic film, carton blanks or whatever in the store, and packaging when it's wrapped round the product. Bar codes can be pre-printed on the film etc.
8 hrs
thanks, Christine
agree Eliza-Anna
11 hrs
thank you
agree Daniella Dukes (X) : I agree, but another possibility could be wrapping material - but then I suppose people would think it refers to wrapping paper.. Which it doesn't, in this context. Anyway, I agree with SwissTell. =)
18 hrs
thanks, Daniella
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