This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Jun 16, 2016 19:37
8 yrs ago
Danish term
bestykkede forbindelser
Danish to English
IT (Information Technology)
Broadband connections
Any IT experts out there know what "bestykkede" means in this context? I have searched so many permutations online to try and find it - nothing I have found seems to fit the meaning at all, so I'm guessing the English version is not a literal translation (i.e. "fitted" or "equipped")... It is also in contrast to "rå" in the sentence below.
Selskaberne kan enten levere bredbåndstjenester til detailkunder via egen accesinfrastruktur og eget udstyr eller ved at leje sig ind på andre selskabers infrastruktur med henblik på enten at benytte fysisk (rå) infrastruktur eller virtuelle (bestykkede) forbindelser.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Selskaberne kan enten levere bredbåndstjenester til detailkunder via egen accesinfrastruktur og eget udstyr eller ved at leje sig ind på andre selskabers infrastruktur med henblik på enten at benytte fysisk (rå) infrastruktur eller virtuelle (bestykkede) forbindelser.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Proposed translations
3 +1 | cut connections/interrupted connections | Isabelle Knudsen |
Proposed translations
3 days 23 hrs
cut connections/interrupted connections
I am not totally confident that this is correct, but I did some searching and hope that this will help at least a little. Bestykke often means to cut so I am assuming that this is referring to a connection or conjunction that is being cut.
Something went wrong...