Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:


English translation:

pair tracer; tone probe kit

Added to glossary by Helen Johnson
May 24, 2005 08:38
19 yrs ago
Danish term


Danish to English Tech/Engineering Electronics / Elect Eng wire detection
Do any electricians out there know the correct term for what is literally a wire searcher, please?
Example: trådsøger til lokalisering af op til 5 par i telefonkabler.
Proposed translations (English)
5 +2 pair tracer; tone probe kit

Proposed translations

30 mins
Danish term (edited): tr�ds�ger

pair tracer; tone probe kit

"Trådsøger" is a misnomer. One does not search for an individual wire but for a pair. The kit contains a transmitter and an reciever. See PTS 100/200 in reference!
Peer comment(s):

agree Shaun Friel
4 hrs
Thank you very much!
agree Michele Fauble
10 hrs
Thank you very much!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much, Sven!"
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