Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Danish term or phrase:
English translation:
location probability
Added to glossary by
Helen Johnson
Dec 13, 2007 06:30
17 yrs ago
Danish term
Danish to English
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
TV coverage
Daekningen er baseret på forudsaetninger om stationaer modtagelse ved anvendelse af 10-meter høj udvendig anbragte retningsbestemt antenne, en stedsandsynlighed på 95 pct. og interferensfrihed i 99 pct. af tiden.
Advice appreciated.
Advice appreciated.
Proposed translations
3 | location probability | Diarmuid Kennan |
3 +1 | unobstructed field of view | A Word For I (X) |
Proposed translations
2 hrs
location probability
Note added at 2 hrs (2007-12-13 08:47:50 GMT)
The following quote is from a maters thesis on broadcast signal reception: 'Der er tale omen statistisk model, somopererer med en stedsandsynlighed og en tidssandsynlig-
hed for en feltstyrke. Opdeles et område i kvadrater på 200@200 m, vil stedsandsynligheden være
den del af et kvadrat hvor feltstyrken er større end eller lig med en given værdi. Kurverne
anvender en stedsandsynlighed på 50 %. Feltstyrken bliver dermed en medianfeltstyrke for dette
Note added at 2 hrs (2007-12-13 08:55:54 GMT)
The following is from a radio system planning process - 'The main purpose of coverage planning is to achieve the required radio coverage with specified time and location probability'
or check the following link: "location probability...
Note added at 2 hrs (2007-12-13 08:47:50 GMT)
The following quote is from a maters thesis on broadcast signal reception: 'Der er tale omen statistisk model, somopererer med en stedsandsynlighed og en tidssandsynlig-
hed for en feltstyrke. Opdeles et område i kvadrater på 200@200 m, vil stedsandsynligheden være
den del af et kvadrat hvor feltstyrken er større end eller lig med en given værdi. Kurverne
anvender en stedsandsynlighed på 50 %. Feltstyrken bliver dermed en medianfeltstyrke for dette
Note added at 2 hrs (2007-12-13 08:55:54 GMT)
The following is from a radio system planning process - 'The main purpose of coverage planning is to achieve the required radio coverage with specified time and location probability'
or check the following link: "location probability...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks, Diarmuid!"
1 hr
unobstructed field of view
This is a guess based on the elements of this compound word - sense of place/direction + visibility/perceptibility/state of being conspicuous + the mention of freedom from interference.
The antenna would presumalby need a clear line of sight - LOS, her for reception/transmission & freedom from any sources of interference to be able to perform successfully.
Alternatively, just - clear Line of Sight (LOS).
Note added at 1 hr (2007-12-13 08:15:52 GMT)
Maybe there is a typo here and the term should be "stedsans- "sense of locality/sense of direction" without the "d" - it shouldn't make a difference in normal flowing speech and an easy enough error to make. So that might be one possibility too.
The antenna would presumalby need a clear line of sight - LOS, her for reception/transmission & freedom from any sources of interference to be able to perform successfully.
Alternatively, just - clear Line of Sight (LOS).
Note added at 1 hr (2007-12-13 08:15:52 GMT)
Maybe there is a typo here and the term should be "stedsans- "sense of locality/sense of direction" without the "d" - it shouldn't make a difference in normal flowing speech and an easy enough error to make. So that might be one possibility too.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Andrew Stanleyson
: logically and in context it seems you are right
2 hrs
Thanks, Andrew.
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