Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Danish term or phrase:
English translation:
rolling budget (continuous budget)
Added to glossary by
Christine Andersen
Apr 8, 2005 08:20
19 yrs ago
Danish term
Danish to English
Business/Commerce (general)
A type of budget in project management.
Proposed translations
4 +2 | rolling budget, continuous budget | Christine Andersen |
Proposed translations
21 mins
rolling budget, continuous budget
I actually found the expression in the Swedish dictionary (Gullberg: Svensk-Engelsk Fackordbok) as rullande budget - one of my Swedish clients uses it.
Lots of hits for rolling budget if you google.
Note added at 24 mins (2005-04-08 08:45:25 GMT)
Lyng Svensson gives \'continuous budget\' in Samfundslitteraturs økonomisk ordbog.
Lots of hits for rolling budget if you google.
Note added at 24 mins (2005-04-08 08:45:25 GMT)
Lyng Svensson gives \'continuous budget\' in Samfundslitteraturs økonomisk ordbog.
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Comment: "Thanks!"
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