Mar 30, 2004 09:10
20 yrs ago
Danish term


Danish to English Other Business/Commerce (general)
In the sub-heading of a business article

Effektivisieringer og fokus på nøgleprodukter har båret frugt. Nu er kosttilskudskoncernen tilbage ved fordums styrke (am having difficulty with this sentence - what is fordums?)


Proposed translations

8 mins

dietary supplement group (or company)

self-explanatory I hope. :)

fordums - the dictionary says 'in days of old', but I would just say something like 'has regained its former strength' here!
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
3 mins

Food supplement company

"Kosttilskud" means "food supplement"

I checked "food supplement company" on google which seems to confirm that I am right.

Note added at 9 mins (2004-03-30 09:19:59 GMT)

\"fordum\" means \"from the past\" - perhaps it should not be translated literally and you cuold say that \"the food supplement company is back with a vengence\". \"With a vegence\" indicates that its return is greater than before, cf Advanced Learners English Dictionary. You could also say that \"the food supplement company is back and is as strong as ever\"

Hope my suggestions help.
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6 hrs

Food Services

Food Services er brugt i US engelsk om disse firmaer, of fordums er "før i tiden" (NuDansk ordbog)
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