Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:


English translation:

Goldhofer (company name)

Added to glossary by Christine Andersen
Feb 10, 2004 08:43
21 yrs ago
Danish term


Danish to English Tech/Engineering Aerospace / Aviation / Space Aircraft roll-out
'Flyet ble kord ud af hangar med goldhofer (hover?); Dvs uden styrmand (selvom det var morkt).' - first and last o with a line through. Poss. misspelt in aero-mechanic's report.

Context: claim for damage to slide-away aircraft at airport in frosty weather.

Bare- and not golden-hooved!? Bare tackle/wheeled is about as much as I can make out.
Proposed translations (English)
5 Company name
Change log

Mar 14, 2008 14:41: Christine Andersen changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/57602">KirstyMacC (X)'s</a> old entry - "Goldhofer"" to ""Goldhofer (comapny name)""

Proposed translations

44 mins

Company name

Goldhofer - The problem-solution competence for special transportation tasks (From Goldhofer's web site).

Note added at 2004-02-10 09:30:11 (GMT)

Must be referring to the aircraft tractor used to roll out the plane.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Tusen takk!"
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