Jan 11, 2013 10:19
12 yrs ago
9 viewers *
Danish term


Danish to English Bus/Financial Accounting Accounting guidelines
I am trying to determine the exact meaning of "disponering", which appears several times in this document.
These are some examples:
"Forvaltning af udgifter omfatter dels **disponering** af udgifter, herunder løn, indkøb, god-kendelse af udgiftsbilag, samt periodisering af udgifter."
- Could it mean planning, handling, or incurring expenses here?
"Ved disponering af udgifter forstås indgåelse af aftaler mv...."
The text also mentions "disponering af indtægter" and "disponering" in the area of hiring and firing people.

I did see the other Kudoz entry that used "resource allocation", but I am not sure that would work here.

Any suggestions would be welcome.
Proposed translations (English)
5 +1 allocate
3 disposal
3 appropriation

Proposed translations

5 hrs


It is a term used in budgeting and dispersal of available funds, both in Norwegian and in Danish. You can find it in the Clue dictionary among other places. Other meanings include use, manage, employ, administer. Given the context you have offered, I would probably use allocate.
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Takk skal du ha.
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agree kargaard : I agree
15 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you. I chose this one, although all the answers could be correct depending on the context. "
16 mins


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12 hrs


Looks like management, but then problem of how to render the first word of forvaltning: administration, perhaps.

Usually works in a UK accounting in the US allocation sense, as meaning either distribution of profit or setting aside to reserves, whilst - coupled with expenses - just about works.

Bailey's DA>EN Handels- og Fagordbog dictionary: disponert for = (this money has been) appropriated.
Example sentence:

Salaries and Expenses Appropriation.

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