Glossary entry

Czech term or phrase:

bezp. vzdál.

English translation:

safe(ty) distance

Added to glossary by Dylan Edwards
May 28, 2014 09:30
10 yrs ago
Czech term

bezp. vzdál.

Czech to English Tech/Engineering Ships, Sailing, Maritime
Item on a certificate (Lodní osvědčení malého plavidla):

Bezp. vzdál. -- cm
Volný bok -- cm
Největší výtlak 0,80 t
Proposed translations (English)
4 +4 safe distance


Stuart Hoskins May 28, 2014:
Safety distance This is a transposition of Council Directive 82/714/EEC of 4 October 1982 laying down technical requirements for inland waterway vessel (KAPITOLA 4 — BEZPEČNÁ VZDÁLENOST, VOLNÝ BOK A PONOROVÉ STUPNICE / CHAPTER 4 SAFETY DISTANCE, FREEBOARD AND DRAUGHT SCALES). See
Ing. Petr Bajer May 28, 2014:
Safe distance between the highest allowed waterline and the lowest opening in the hull.
Dylan Edwards (asker) May 28, 2014:
For future reference, in case I see more of these certificates, it would be useful to know: safe distance from what?

Proposed translations

2 mins

safe distance

bezpečná vzdálenost

Note added at 2 hrs (2014-05-28 11:39:09 GMT)

lepší termín je safety clearance
‘Safety clearance’ the distance between the plane of maximum draught and a parallel plane passing through the lowest point at which the vessel is no longer deemed to be watertight.
Peer comment(s):

agree Petr Kedzior
6 mins
agree WangleSchool
47 mins
agree Sarka Rubkova
1 hr
agree Michal Zugec
2 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you. I would consider 'safety clearance' in some contexts."
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