Glossary entry

Czech term or phrase:

vstoupí do vyrovnání

English translation:

accepts settlement

Added to glossary by lingua chick
Jun 24, 2006 17:46
18 yrs ago
Czech term

vstoupí do vyrovnání

Czech to English Bus/Financial Law (general) contracts
Obě smluvní strany mohou tuto smlouvu vypovědět okamžitě, pokud druhá smluvní strana vstoupí do konkurzu, vyrovnání nebo likvidace

Proposed translations

36 mins

accepts compensation

"accepts compensation/settlement" - please see below

Note added at 53 mins (2006-06-24 18:40:06 GMT)

Another alternative would be "enters into a settlement", but it all depends on the context and style of the source text. (under Feb 13, 2004)

Note added at 5 days (2006-06-30 13:17:41 GMT) Post-grading

You are welcome, Igor. Have a super weekend :-)
Peer comment(s):

neutral Pavel Blann : I am very sorry, lingua chick, but "compensation" is a way off the context here :) // Have a nice one ;)
43 mins
All the best and have a nice and sunny weekend :-)
agree Lubosh Hanuska : compensation or settlement... both would be fine, the word "accepts" is the key here I think, as in "compensation/settlement as consideration in return for the value of the business which the agrement is about...
18 hrs
Thanks :-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Volím "accepts settlement". Díky všem za pomoc!"
16 mins

comes into a settlement

nebo: agrees with a settlement

Note added at 1 hr (2006-06-24 19:06:27 GMT)

nebo doslova: enters into a settlement (i.e. literal translation)

BUT it has to be a "settlement" due to this context, please see

Zákon o konkurzu a vyrovnání = Act on Bankruptcy and Settlements
Peer comment(s):

neutral lingua chick : I am very sorry, Pavel, but that does not sound English :-)
23 mins
All the best to you, too :)
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