Glossary entry

Czech term or phrase:

Znalecká doložka

English translation:

expert clause

Added to glossary by Scott Evan Andrews
Jul 13, 2009 11:11
15 yrs ago
11 viewers *
Czech term

Znalecká doložka

Czech to English Other Architecture
seemingly simple, but I can't find the exact English equivalent, not Googling out.
thanks in advance.


Gerry Vickers May 27, 2014: gives 'statement of legal effect' as a suggestion.
Stuart Hoskins May 27, 2014:
Another case where “doložka” is definitely not a “clause”. Consider also, for example, doložka právní moci and how the translation of the German equivalent (Rechtskraftvermerk) has been proposed on ProZ (“notice that the decision/judgment has become final and unappealable”). Why am I here so long after the event? Like Zuzana, stumbled on this page while looking for a neat solution myself… Perhaps someone else has found one in the meantime?
zuzana kmetova Dec 5, 2013:
I am looking for the same term, would the following translation be usable: expert endorsement ?
For example: translation without expert endorsement
Gerry Vickers Jul 13, 2009:
and this 'clause' forms a part of the report. Actually forget the 'report' bit - it is causing too much confusion. I will leave it to you, Scott, to make an expert judgment - you asked for some input from England, so I think I have contributed more than enough on that front :)
Igor Liba Jul 13, 2009:
zanlecká doložka je súčasťou znaleckého posudku Znalecké posudky

– ocenenia nehnuteľností vyhotovujú znalci zapísaní v zozname znalcov, prípadne súdni znalci zapísaní v zozname súdnych znalcov,
– ocenenie nehnuteľností sa uskutočňuje na základe znaleckého posudku, znalecký posudok možno podať písomne a v konaní pred súdom alebo iným orgánom verejnej moci aj ústne do zápisnice. Súd alebo iný orgán verejnej moci určí formu znaleckého posudku,

– znalecká doložka, ktorá je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou znaleckého posudku, obsahuje identifikačné údaje znalca, označenie odboru a odvetvia, v ktorom je znalec oprávnený podávať znalecké posudky, a poradové číslo úkonu znaleckej činnosti, pod ktorým je znalecký posudok zapísaný v denníku,

Gerry Vickers Jul 13, 2009:
Exactly - that is the surveyor's report. There is no translation of 'Znalecká doložka' in UK English, but this is the closest you can get. There are several different types of surveyor - just choose the one that fits the bill.
Sarka Rubkova Jul 13, 2009:
Its wording is similar to a notary clause
Sarka Rubkova Jul 13, 2009:
Znalecká doložka has nothing to do with architecture, quantity surveying etc. According to my opinion, it is the title of the seal, which is given on an expert's opinion of an expert appointed by the state with the so called "kulaté razítko". Such expert is an expert for appraisal of real estates (real estates appraiser), their repairs and not quantity surveyor. This znalecká doložka says that the appraiser was certified by some chamber or institution authorised by the state.
Gerry Vickers Jul 13, 2009:
... and in UK English at least there is no such thing as an 'expert clause', which is pure Czenglish :) (as are many entries in the legal dictionary!) There are many types of survey - Building/Structural/Quantity, etc - just choose the one that fits the situation best. If it is something like this one then it is a building survey, or just a 'survey' on its own will suffice. The word 'doložka' itself has no proper translation in this context.
Gerry Vickers Jul 13, 2009:
In that case then it is a job for a surveyor or quantity surveyor
Scott Evan Andrews (asker) Jul 13, 2009:
DOLOZKA for ECONOMICS, but more than that... it is for many different areas of expertise, from appraising real estate to judging mergers and separations of companies, it just so happens the translation is an extract from something and really involves modifications and their appraisal to a chateau in order to bring it in line with tougher fire safety regulations...that's all I have to go on
Sarka Rubkova Jul 13, 2009:
Where does it belong to? I mean, does it belong to a design, or somewhere els?
Scott Evan Andrews (asker) Jul 13, 2009:
but this has to exist in English, and there are no direct hits on either, if either were correct, I'd expect to see some from England, or other EU country for instance.

Proposed translations

4 mins

expert clause

I come out from Czech English Legal Dictionary

Note added at 17 mins (2009-07-13 11:29:00 GMT)
Peer comment(s):

agree Ivan Šimerka : Obě doposud uvedné odpovědi považuju za výstižné a téměř identické
6 mins
agree Igor Liba
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "of course capitalized, but none the less...thanks!"
5 mins

Expert Opinion Clause

Peer comment(s):

agree Ivan Šimerka : Obě doposud uvedné odpovědi považuju za výstižné a téměř identické
6 mins
děkuji :)
neutral Igor Liba : IMHO slovíčko "expert opinion" v tomto prípade zvádza na význam "posudok" hoci by sa to dalo preložiť aj ináč / znalecká doložka iba súčasťou posudku
7 hrs
Something went wrong...
12 mins

Surveyor's report

If it is to do with architecture, then I would use this
Peer comment(s):

disagree Sarka Rubkova : To je zpráva, nikoli doložka; přečetla jsem si tu stránku, ale pořád mi vychází, že je to posudek
6 hrs
see what I wrote above - you can't always translate things word for word
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