Feb 4, 2007 03:20
17 yrs ago
Chinese term


Chinese to English Medical Medical (general)
What does this mean in English: 肝乗脾土?

This word is from traditiona Chinese medine.

Thank you..


Mitsuko (asker) Feb 4, 2007:
Chinese medicine Chinese medine should be corrected to Chinese medicine.

Proposed translations

5 hrs

liver exploiting spleen-earth

中医也称肝木乘脾(liver-wood exploiting spleen)。“五行学说”中,肝木乘脾、肝乘脾土一般发生的前提是:肝太强而脾不弱。正常情况下肝(木)克(脾)土,但病理状态时如肝太强,就会出现对木的过度克制,称为肝乘脾土,这与肝木克土、脾虚木乘、肝脾两虚等等是不一样的。

[PDF] Learner's Character Dictionary of Chinese Medicine Preface[ 繁体 ]文件格式: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
肝木乘脾{gan1 mu4 cheng2 pi2}, liver-wood exploiting the spleen. 肝木克土{gan1 mu4 ke4 tu3}, liver-wood restraining (overcoming) earth. 肝逆头痛{gan1 ni4 tou2 tong4}, liver counterflow headache. 肝脾不和{gan1 pi2 bu4 he2}, liver-spleen ...

Note added at 5 hrs (2007-02-04 08:36:52 GMT)

The following is from Chinese-English Dictionary of Chinese Medicine (PDF)
肝木乘脾 gan1 mu4 cheng2 pi2 (gan mu cheng pi), liver-wood exploiting the spleen
肝木克土 gan1 mu4 ke4 tu3 (gan mu ke tu), liver-wood restraining (overcoming) earth
肝逆头痛 gan1 ni4 tou2 tong4 (gan ni tou tong), liver counterflow headache
肝脾不和 gan1 pi2 bu4 he2 (gan pi bu he), liver-spleen disharmony
肝脾不调 gan1 pi2 bu4 tiao2 (gan pi bu tiao), liver-spleen disharmony
Example sentence:


Peer comment(s):

agree Shaunna (X) : Saw my mess?
5 hrs
agree emaildaneng : the most commonly used words in english are "overacting on," "overwhelming," "overcontrolling," "subjugating," "exploiting" etc.; all are valid translations of 乘 (乗 is japanese variant of 乘)
6 hrs
agree Lu Zou
11 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much. You were really helpful."
4 hrs

liver controls the spleen (earth)

秉: grasp, hold, control --- from 金山词霸.
肝秉脾土 means that liver controls the spleen.
Or, you can use "liver controls the spleen-earth" or simply "liver controls the spleen earth", whichever is consistent with your other translations.

Check this out form link 1:
"The Earth element governs the Spleen. Liver balances (controls) the Spleen in the normal situation."
Chinese tradition medicine believes liver corresponds to wood while spleen correspond to earth. In Correlation of the five Elements (五行关系), the acting upon or checking sequence is: wood → earth → water → fire → metal → wood (see link 2).
The Earth element governs the Spleen. Liver balances (controls) the Spleen in the normal situation.

Note added at 10 hrs (2007-02-04 13:40:39 GMT)

讨论一下: 肝木乘(注: 这里的乘念sheng4不念cheng)脾确实是肝takes advantage of 脾的意思. 事实上肝性燥脾性湿(所以常听见某些中药能润肝, 某些中药能燥脾, 却罕有其反), 肝又克脾, 肝气过旺时肝秉脾土确实应该是会导致脾虚伤脾, 估计病症确实会和肝木乘脾差不多.

我认为基于肝秉脾土与肝木乘脾的意思差异, 两者的译法不应相同. 秉并没有利用的意思. 见底下我抄过来秉的汉语释义. 就是在中医中, 用到秉的地方, 也多是控制的意思. 如-- 1.《至济总录.热疮》中:“热疮本于热盛,风气因而秉之,故特谓之热名。” 就是说热疮是由天气引起由天气控制; 2. 《本草经解》中:"地肤子,气味苦寒,秉太阳寒水之气化,故主治膀胱之热",肝秉后天之气,开窍于目 3. 《本草正义》中:“肝秉刚强之性非借阴液以涵濡之,则暴戾恣睢,一发不可制".

. 手拿着,手持(是一只手从旁边拿着小物) [grasp;hold]
. 引申为主持,掌握 [preside over]
. 又如:秉公灭私(主持公道,灭除私念);秉正无私(主持正义,没有私念);秉教伽持(佛教语。指执行佛法、施加佛力于众生,以保护扶持之)
. 保持;坚持 [keep;persist in;persevere in]
. 又如:秉彝(坚持道理);秉心(居心;用心;持心);秉志(持志)
. 通“禀”。承受 [bear]。如:秉谢(禀受并回报);秉质(受于自然的资质)

Note added at 10 hrs (2007-02-04 13:45:22 GMT)

天!!! 我写了这一大篇, 回来再看, 才发现原本问的就是 肝乘脾土 而不是肝秉脾土, 汗甚......
赶紧去 agree Yang Ming的.
Peer comment(s):

neutral emaildaneng : you have the right idea, but the word "control" is a standard translation for 克 (not 乘) so it should be avoided here. (乗 is japanese variant of 乘, not of 秉.....look closely)
8 hrs
Thank you very much emaildaneng :)
agree Lu Zou : how about "overwhelm". 'liver overwhelms the earth of spleen"
12 hrs
Good idea. Overwhelm fits better the meaning of 乘(通胜) here. Very nice discussion guys. :)
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46 mins

deficiency of liver and spleen


deficiency of liver and spleen

Note added at 12 hrs (2007-02-04 15:49:59 GMT)

1.同时兼有心虚、肝虚和脾虚。 ... the next was the incidences of heart deficiency, liver deficiency and spleen deficiency
(www.wanfangdata.com.cn/qikan/periodical.Articles/zyzg/zyzg2... )
2.试论肺阳虚、肝阳虚、脾阴虚证治Discussion on the treatment for deficiency of lung yang, deficiency of liver yang and deficiency spleen yin
(www.ilib.cn/Abstract.aspx?A=zgmjlf200610001 )
Peer comment(s):

agree yangyang (X) : incoordination between the liver and the spleen...
2 hrs
Thank you!
disagree emaildaneng : this is inaccurate as the liver would not necessarily be deficient in this situation
11 hrs
1.同时兼有心虚、肝虚和脾虚。 ... the next was the incidences of heart deficiency, liver deficiency and spleen deficiency
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