Contact information:
Name: Tatiana Porhomovici
Mobile: +420 777305120
Freelance Translator and Interpreter since 01/2002
I am NOT obligated to collect Value-Added Tax (VAT)
Russian: Native
English – Proficient C2
Czech – Proficient C1
Area of Specialization: Business, Finance, Banking, Accounting, Law, Contracts, Jurisprudence, Engineering, Manufacturing, Construction, Information Technologies, Software Development, Telecommunication, Cosmetics, Education, Marketing, Humanities
CAT Tools: SDL Trados 2019, Memsource
Work experience
03/2008 - Present Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting English <-> Russian
Including interpreting at:
- Seminar on Managing risks at Energy markets in Russia and CIS
- Forum 2000 Democracy and the Rule of Law
- International Master Bartender Awards, Prague, 2011
- Advertisement production. Product promotion. Personal Care. Shampoo & Conditioners.
- Confronting Anti-Semitism in Public Discourse
- A High Level Meeting hosted by the Foreign Ministry of the Czech Republic and generously supported by the EVZ Foundation
as well as other events in the area of sociology, logistics, petroleum industry, cosmetics and health care.
03/2008 - Present LUKOIL Czech Republic a.s./ LUKOIL Belgium
Freelance Interpreter and Translator
English <-> Russian
01/2002 - PresentFreelance Translator and Interpreter in Prague, Czech Republic
Active cooperation with the following translation bureaus:
- Překladatelský Servis Skřivánek, Prague
- Presto - Překladatelské Centrum
- České překlady s.r.o.
- I.L.T.S. Praha, s.r.o.
- ALFA CZ Překladatelský servis
- Interlingua servis
Performed or collaborated in small, mid and large-scale translation projects
Dedicated translator of Czech-Russian, English-Russian, Russian-English
Undertaken extensive projects in highly specialized area of expertise, such as chemistry, construction documentation, art, marketing and law, health care, logistics, etc
09/2002 – 08/2005 English Teacher at Skřivánek language school, Prague
Levels of English taught: from the Beginner to the Advanced
Courses taught: Public, Individual and Intensive,
Preparation for all general English exams, including FCE, CPE, and ILEC
Business English
12/1998 – 08/2000 Balti State University of A. Russo
Lecturer of English and French languages
Part-time translator for the NGO „Contact“, Balti, MDA
Part-time translator for the youth organization „Youth for the Right to Live“
Education and training
04/05/2020EU Translation Workshop (Advance)
Skřivánek language school, Prague
-Citation, terminology, consistency, verification of translation
-IATE Terminological database
-EUR-Lex, Publications.Europa stylistic conformity
-Translation and drafting resources guidelines for translators
22/04/2020 Webinar "Learn, Improve and Leverage your Remote Interpreting Skills"
TRANSLIT language agency
Application of Translit Interpreting Management Platform for managing of on-line interpreting events
5/2018 Czech language and naturalization exam
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies,
Charles University
-Completion diploma
09/1999 – 06/2000Post-Graduate Course in English Philology
Graduation paper on the subject:
“A Comparative Study of Nabokov‘s Creation in English and in Russian“
Earned degree: (Ro) Magistru de filologie (Master of Philology)
GPA: 10.0/10.0
09/1995 – 06/1999Balti State University of A. Russo
Department of English and French Languages and Literature
Major: English and French languages and Literature
Earned degree: Licentiate Diploma (Bachelor of Philology)
GPA: 9.75/10.0
01/1997 – 04/1997 Participant of the OSI Contest for Eastern European Students
08/1997 – 08/1998 Award-winning participant of the OSI Contest for Eastern European Students
University of Arizona, Tucson
Major: Humanities
GPA: 3.75 /4.0
Undergraduate Studies
Key consecutive and simultaneous interpreting jobs in 2019
Consecutive interpreting
ENG -> RUS Environmental Permitting/Monitoring of Emissions Study
CZE -> RUS Incoming mission of foreign delegation
ENG -> RUS MONITOR Europe and Eurasia Community Meeting
Simultaneous interpreting
ENG -> RUS Ústav zemědělské ekonomiky a informací
ENG -> RUS Pfizer European Investigators’ Meeting Agenda
RUS -> ENG Bez věna/Without douwry/Theatric Performance
ENG -> RUS MPI Company Presentation
ENG -> RUS Journalist workshop training
ENG -> RUS SOMA Engineering – tiskové a zpracovací stroje: flexotiskové stroje, řezačky, laminátory
ENG -> RUS Workshop on Progress in Developing National Databases of Politically Exposed Persons
ENG -> RUS UNLOCK 2019 World Translation & Localization Conference in Munich, Germany
Overview of key translation projects in 2019
CZE > RUS 43823 words – Učebnice ekonomiky a reklamy
CZE > RUS 18262 words – Montáž jeřáb - Všeobecné pokyny
CZE > RUS 8975 words – Reklamní články pro obchodní centrum
CZE > RUS 8375 words – Centrum kultury a vzdělávání Blatná
CZE > RUS 6750 words – Reklamní články pro obchodní centrum
CZE > RUS 6641 words – Diskový podmítač - návod k použití
CZE > RUS 6225 words – Stropní chlazení - technický manuál
CZE > RUS 5450 words – Všeobecné obchodní podmínky holdingové společnosti
CZE > RUS 9614 words – Antisemitismus ve střední Evropě po první světové válce
CZE > RUS 4800 words – Farmakovigilanční smlouva
CZE > RUS 15236 words – Učebnice: Elektrotechnika
Mocninné předpony jednotek a jejich využití v elektrotechnice
Ustálené stavy v elektrických obvodech
Elektrický obvod, napětí a proud
Měření proudu
Soustava elektrostatická
Soustava elektrodynamická, indukční
Elektrický výkon
Základní pojmy z teorie přenosu zpráv
Pohybové detektory
Digitální signál, analogový signál
Modulace - přehled modulačních metod, spojité a impulsní
CZE > RUS 49365 words – Učebnice: Hospodářství a statní správa
Obchodni spolecnosti
Hospodarsky proces
Komunikace se zakaznikem
Pravo EU
Trestni pravo hmotne a procesni
Obal a baleni
Jednotky pozarni ochrany, organizacni a operacni riz
Pozar a jeho rozvoj, podminky ovlivnujici sireni pozaru, hasebni latky
Sprava skolstvi
Městská hromadná doprava v Praze
Vliv dopravy na životní prostředí
Příjmy a výdaje státu
Sprava zamestnanosti
Uzemni samosprava
Komunikace a styk s obcany
Zakladni vymezeni a organizace V
Statut pracovnika verejne spravy
Sprava na useku kultury
Uvod do teorie statu a prava
Cena - stanovení, klamy
Zalozeni a zruseni firmy
Podnikatelsky zamer
Vnitrni sprava
Stavebni sprava
Sprava zdravotnictvi
Zivnostenska sprava
Sprava dopravy
Rodinne pravo
Viktimologie - vztah obet a pachatel