Italian to English: ESERO Italy Study Report General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy | |
Source text - Italian Lo scopo dello Study Report era quello di analizzare la complessa realtà scolastica italiana, con particolare focus sullo studio e apprendimento delle cosiddette materie STEM. Lo studio si è basato su indagini nazionali e internazionali che, con prove standardizzate e questionari, negli ultimi anni hanno rilevato dati sugli apprendimenti e sull’insegnamento delle discipline STEM. In base ai risultati dello studio sono state individuate alcune azioni chiave dell’Ufficio ESERO Italia volte soprattutto alla formazione degli insegnanti. L’obiettivo a lungo termine dell’Ufficio ESERO Italia è quello di dare un significativo contributo alla formazione docenti, proponendo didattiche basate sull’Inquiry e materiali didattici nel contesto dello spazio.
Nel Capitolo 2 è stato sintetizzato il sistema scolastico italiano con focus sulle materie STEM.
Nel Capitolo 3 sono state analizzati i risultati delle indagini nazionali ed internazionali nell’ambito dell’apprendimento e dell’insegnamento delle materie STEM.
Dall’analisi svolta del capitolo 3 è emerso un quadro chiaro della situazione italiana, che ha permesso di proporre delle azioni chiave per ESERO Italia, esposte nel Capitolo 4.
Nel Capitolo 5 infine, sono riportate alcune conclusioni relativi allo Study Report e ai possibili sviluppi futuri di ESERO Italia. | Translation - English The aim of the Study Report was to analyze the complex situation of Italian schooling, with special focus placed on the study and learning of the subjects known as STEM. The study is based on national and international surveys which have, through standardized tests and questionnaires, observed data related to learning and teaching STEM subjects in recent years. Based on the study’s results, certain key actions of the ESERO Italy Office have been identified, addressing foremost teacher training. The long-term objective of the ESERO Italy Office is to provide a significant contribution to teacher training, by proposing didactic methods based on inquiry and educational materials within the context of space.
Chapter 2 briefly outlines the Italian school system, with a focus on STEM subjects.
Chapter 3 analyzes the results of national and international studies pertaining to the learning and teaching of STEM subjects.
The analysis conducted in Chapter 3 showed a clear image of the situation in Italy, which made it possible to propose key actions for ESERO Italy, which in turn are laid out in Chapter 4.
Finally, Chapter 5 puts forward conclusions regarding the Study Report and the possible future developments of ESERO Italy. |
English to Serbian: ISO 14001 course for Environmental Management System Auditors - manual General field: Other Detailed field: Environment & Ecology | |
Source text - English Scope of Responsibilities
The Company accepts responsibility for managing the environmental impacts of its activities, products and services. Through an open and effective relationship with the local community, we will continue to improve our environmental performance. We will provide relevant information regarding the potential environmental impacts of our operations, to our employees, the general public and regulation authorities. In addition we will consider the wider environmental impacts associated with our operations in formulating our policy. | Translation - Serbian Obim odgovornosti
Preduzeće prihvata odgovornost za upravljanje uticajima na životnu sredinu koji su rezultat aktivnosti, proizvoda i usluga preduzeća. Kroz otvorenu i efektivnu saradnju sa lokalnom zajednicom, nastavićemo da poboljšavamo naš učinak zaštite životne sredine. Pružićemo relevantne informacije u vezi sa potencijalnim uticajima našeg poslovanja na životnu sredinu našim zaposlenima, javnosti i zakonodavnim vlastima. Pored toga, pri formulisanju naše politike razmotrićemo šire uticaje na životnu sredinu vezane za naše operacije. |
Serbian to English: RTB Bor feasibility studies General field: Other Detailed field: Mining & Minerals / Gems | |
Source text - Serbian In combination with the specific conditions of the project, a drainage ditch is arranged around the mine site for mining and processing. The drainage ditch relates to the drainage system of the mine site, and a grit chamber is provided downstream. The slope generated by excavation and filling is subjected to engineering reinforcement measures or vegetation biological protection measures. Engineering measures such as the construction of protective forests and grasses in the open space around the surface of the industrial site, and the construction of retaining walls or shotcrete at the unstable surface of the slope. The waste dump adopts the intercepting and intercepting flood discharge system and sets up the retaining dam. According to the topography and site conditions, the reverse row method is adopted as much as possible to make the waste body form a stable bench at all levels. According to the waste disposal situation, the waste dump is gradually carried out the land remediation and restoration of vegetation. On the side of the slope, the road is equipped with flood discharge and intercepting ditch. The construction of retaining walls or the use of other engineering measures such as shotcrete in the unstable slope of the roadside slope is planned to plant trees on both sides of the slope to carry out greening to avoid soil erosion. | Translation - English У комбинацији са специфичним условима пројекта, копа се дренажни ров уздуж налазишта ради употребе при вађењу и преради руде. Овај ров је повезан са дренажним системом налазишта, а низводно се поставља комора за одвајање шљунка. Нагиб створен ископавањем и пуњењем подлеже мерама инжењерског ојачања или биолошким мерама заштите вегетације. Предузимају се инжењерске мере као што су сађење заштитних шума и траве на отвореном простору око налазишта, градња потпорних зидова или употреба прсканог бетона на нестабилној површини нагиба. Депонија примењује систем за интерцепцију поплава и систем за пражњење поплавне воде, и на њој се поставља сигурносна брана. Сходно топографији и условима налазишта, примењује се колико год је могуће метода обрнутих редова како би јаловина формирала стабилну етажу на свим нивоима. Зависно од ситуације са одлагањем отпада, на депонији се постепено спроводе санација земљишта и обнављање вегетације. На страни на којој је нагиб, поред пута се копа ров за пражњење поплавне воде и интерцепцију поплава. Планира се градња потпорних зидова или употреба других инжењерских мера као што је прскани бетон за нестабилни нагиб крај пута, као и сађење дрвећа са обе стране нагиба како би се избегла ерозија земљишта. |
English to Serbian: brochures for the car models Subaru XV and Subaru Legacy General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks | |
Source text - English LEGACY 2.0D Sport Station Wagon
DIMENSIONS: L x W x H: 4,775 x 1,780 x 1,535 mm
ENGINE: Horizontally-Opposed, 4-cylinder, Turbocharged, DOHC 16-valve diesel
CAPACITY: 1,998 cc
MAX OUTPUT: 110 kW (150 PS) / 3,600 rpm
MAX TORQUE: 350 Nm (35.7 kgfm) / 1,600-2,400rpm
TRANSMISSION: 6-speed manual transmission, AWD | Translation - Serbian LEGACY 2.0D Sportski Karavan
DIMENZIJE: L x W x H: 4,775 x 1,780 x 1,535 mm
MOTOR: Četvorocilindrični turbo dizel bokser motor, DOHC 16 ventila
ZAPREMINA: 1,998 cm3
MAKSIMALNA SNAGA: 110 kW (150 KS) / 3,600 rpm
MAKSIMALNI OBRTNI MOMENAT: 350 Nm / 1,600-2,400rpm
TRANSMISIJA: Šestostepena manuelna transmisija, AWD |