Working languages:
English to Chin
English to Burmese
Chin to Burmese

Disciple Sian
Zomi & Burmese Languages Translator

United States
Local time: 13:12 CST (GMT-6)

Native in: Chin Native in Chin
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2 positive reviews
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Quality #Zomi & #Burmese language interpretation & Translation.


In #translation & #Interpretation Business, companies and vendors look for
affordability and competitive pricing while they miss out cost effective
#Quality because every translation and interpretation has #consequences to their Past, Present, and Future of the client the service is being
rendered to. Do not trade those
with monetary value just to gain more profit margin. It has a long term effects for
both parties.

Do not allow GREED jeopardize those qualities everyone deserves!

Keywords: IT, Legal, Health, Church, Community, Immigration, Zomi, Myanmar, tedim, Burmese

Profile last updated
Mar 21, 2023

More translators and interpreters: English to Chin - English to Burmese - Chin to Burmese   More language pairs