The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Dutch to English Finance (general) Translation Glossary

Dutch term English translation
Situaties die reductie kunnen rechtvaardigen situations justifying a reduction/reductions in time (or hours) spent/used
snijvlak interface
sociale kredietverlening social lending/affordable credit
soortreserve (share) class reserve
spaarkasovereenkomst (life) insurance-based/related agreement
Spaarkoers Investment savings scheme
speciekoersen coin exchange rates
spilrekeningen central accounts
spoedcommissie Emergency committee
Staffel Sliding scale
Entered by: Annabel Rautenbach
stallingsfonds low risk fund
Stamrekening deviezenrekening main account/principal account
standaardiseringsinvestering standardizaton investment
Standenregister Betaalbaarstellen control register for payment authorisation
Entered by: DermotMahon
Statutaire winstbestemmingsregeling provisions on the appropriation of profit under the articles of association
stemgerechtigde Certificaat depository receipt with voting rights
Entered by: Michael Beijer
Stichting Administratiekantoor Trust Office Foundation
Entered by: Michael Beijer
stichtingsdepot foundation deposit
stopzettingsmeerwarden added value / proceeds from cessation
Entered by: DianeGM
storting in speciën cash contribution
streefregeling target regulation/target scheme
strekken XYZ tot serve the bank as [security/collateral]
structurele delen fixed constituents / constituent parts
sturingsgetallen KPIs
stuurgetallen strategic data
SVW national insurance/social security
tariefdifferentiatie tariff differentiation; rate differentiation
te gelde maken convert to cash, liquidate
tegenboeking contra entry
tegengesloten; tegensluiten offset; set off
Entered by: Michael Beijer
tegenpost bij contra entry
tegenrekening contra account
tegensprekelijke discussie mutual discussion
Telbakkentabel calculation table
Telefoonkosten onbelast (eenmalig) (one-off) untaxed telephone costs/charges
ten belope van a sum amounting to/an amount (to the value) of
ten laste van where the payment instruction is to debit a loro account
termijnfactuur progress invoice
termijnkorting contract term discount
terugmelding acknowledgement [confirmation of receipt]
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