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Search results: (1014 matches)
OmegaT support How to handle unnecessary hard returns in OmegaT 6.0.1? delete them from the source file That's what I do. Susan Welsh Feb 19
OmegaT support How do I open an OMT file with OmegaT? go to sourceforge Go to the Omegat site on sourceforge. This forum
is basically defunct.

[Edited at 2024-07-30
19:59 GMT]
Susan Welsh Jul 30, 2024
OmegaT support Omega T - Translation Memory & Fuzzy Match Help OmegaT aligner You could try OmegaT's own aligner -- Tools>align
files All these aligners seem to take a lot of
segment adjustment. You could also ask your
question at the OmegaT site on Sourceforge.
Susan Welsh Apr 1, 2024
OmegaT support Quotation marks other than straight - where in the settings? guillemets There are different ways, but I guess I would use
Alt+174 and Alt+175.
Susan Welsh Feb 19, 2024
OmegaT support Can't add to glossary, and visual glitches when I attempt to add to glossary This forum is little used now Post your question here:
at-users That site is monitored by developers and
other knowledgeable people.
Susan Welsh Aug 27, 2023
OmegaT support Work on SDLXLIFF-files with OmegaT Yahoo group has moved to Sourceforge The group on Sourceforge is here:
at-users Try this work in progress by Marc
Susan Welsh Aug 17, 2023
OmegaT support Possible to create custom XML preview with Omega T? Ask on the sourceforge list This forum is no longer used
Susan Welsh Jul 6, 2023
OmegaT support Machine Translation problem: Microsoft Translator doesn't work, gives "Connection reset" Ask your question at source-forge I don't think it has anything to do with your work
on security systems. I've had the same problem for
years, and decided to forget about Microsoft
Translator. For MT I use Google Translate
Susan Welsh Jul 26, 2022
Trados support An Item with the same key has already been added error Studio 2014 Maria's method worked! [quote]María Croxcatto wrote: I tried
converting the original docx to rtf, and
processing the file again. It worked.[/quote]
Susan Welsh May 22, 2022
OmegaT support If i download and combine many Translation memories, would the TM predicttions become betert ? Doesn't make any sense to me I'm not the most knowledgeable person, but in my
experience that's not what TMs are for. They don't
make "predictions," but are used to retrieve
similar or identical text that you already<
Susan Welsh Apr 22, 2022
OmegaT support What plugins is recomended to install (OmegaT) ? ? You don't need any plug-ins to install OmegaT. It
works "out of the box." Plug-ins are all optional,
depending on your needs. I'm afraid that's the
only thing I can say, since I don't use
Susan Welsh Mar 8, 2022
OmegaT support OmegaT latest 5.6.0 released This is a cross-posting from Aaron Madlon-Kay,
OmegaT project manager, from the
list: OmegaT 5.6.0 brings 5 enhancements and 8
bug fixes. You can now change the Omega
Susan Welsh Oct 7, 2021
OmegaT support OmegaT latest 5.5.0 released works for me On Windows 10, 64 bit with Java. I can't advise
you, but if you want help you can write here:
[email protected]
Susan Welsh May 28, 2021
OmegaT support OmegaT latest 5.5.0 released This is a cross-posting from developer Aaron
Madlon-Kay: OmegaT 5.5.0 brings 11 enhancements
and 3 bug fixes. Some highlights include: There
is now an alternative layout for the glos
Susan Welsh May 28, 2021
OmegaT support How to handle repetitive texts before OmegaT sent to API machine translation? I have no idea... ... but if no one answers here, ask on the
sourceforge OmegaT list, which gets more
info/omegat-users [email protected].
Susan Welsh May 10, 2021
OmegaT support HELP cannot enter glossary term What does your "writeable glossary" file say? Never heard of such a problem. Press Control E to
get your "Project Properties." Is it possible that
the line for "writeable glossary file" is empty?
Susan Welsh Feb 26, 2021
OmegaT support OmegaT See reviews here
Susan Welsh Jan 26, 2021
OmegaT support How to keep source tags or add them easily into the translated text? Which MT do you use? The problem is with your MT. I use Google
Translate, and this does not happen. Your tags
should not look the way you've written them
({b}necesita{/b}), but rather they should be
Susan Welsh Jan 25, 2021
OmegaT support How to keep source tags or add them easily into the translated text? machine translator? OmegaT itself does not have a "machine
translator." You can use various MT apps, such as
Google Translate, but they are not part of OmegaT.
Please clarify what you are trying to
do. O
Susan Welsh Jan 25, 2021 job systems OneDocument Workspace "powered by" I'm getting emails too, offering me a job at a
rate way below my rate (bottom-feeder rate). How
is this allowed on a site which is "powered by," whatever that means?
Susan Welsh Dec 21, 2020
OmegaT support OmegaT latest 5.4.0 released Cross-posted from project manager Aaron
Madlon-Kay, from the OmegaT list on
SourceForge: OmegaT 5.4.0 brings 7 enhancements
and 8 bug fixes. Some highlights include: Files
Susan Welsh Dec 13, 2020
OmegaT support How to avoid changing the numbers? numbers It seems like it is picking up a TM match from
your earlier sentence (not a 100% match, because
the numbers are different). It should display in
your "fuzzy matches" pane, but with the num
Susan Welsh Dec 1, 2020
OmegaT support OmegaT usage of Glossary No A glossary is just a list of words. To do an
"automatic translation" you need a translation
memory (TM). See the OmegaT manual. You get a TM
(bilingual file) from work you have done
Susan Welsh Nov 19, 2020 hosting Alternatives to hosting Thanks very much to Jason He was very helpful in getting me up and running
Susan Welsh Oct 6, 2020
OmegaT support Headers and footers in OmegaT when working with a Word document that was converted from a PDF OCR quality? See
rouble_with_charts_in_omegat.html#2860256 I
also suggest that you ask questions on the
developer list, which has more traffic
Susan Welsh Jul 22, 2020
OmegaT support Trouble with charts in OmegaT OCR quality? I suspect that your problems here and with
headers/footers may have to do with the quality of
your OCR conversion from PDF to Word. For what
it's worth to you, here is my checklist for OCR
Susan Welsh Jul 22, 2020 suggestions I really dislike the new homepage design Ads I use Firefox - no ads. Susan Welsh Jul 22, 2020 suggestions I really dislike the new homepage design @Susanne Thanks! I did not see that. Susan Welsh Jul 21, 2020 suggestions I really dislike the new homepage design Replies I am hoping that someone from the Proz staff will
respond. @Chris: I know you can switch back to
the old version, but I assume this is a beta and
they will switch to the new version aft
Susan Welsh Jul 20, 2020 suggestions I really dislike the new homepage design Please put it back the way it was! It was easy to
scan and get an overview of what jobs, forum
postings, and Kudoz auestions are new. The new
design is a visual jumble, and does not show y
Susan Welsh Jul 19, 2020
OmegaT support Unwanted "pre-translation", in other words, OmegaT is inserting source segment as target I don't see any repetition I don't know Norwegian, but I can't see the
problem from your screenshot. Assume you have
Options > Editor > set for "Leave the segment
empty" (and not "Insert source text"). If no
Susan Welsh Jul 18, 2020
Scams RU>EN translation - no company existence Natalie Thanks! Susan Welsh Jul 2, 2020
Scams RU>EN translation - no company existence @Natalia - IP address How do I find the IP address (my account is with
gmail)? I looked at the "source" but can't figure
out what to do with that string of numbers and
letters. //To be clear: he did not post v
Susan Welsh Jul 2, 2020
Scams RU>EN translation - no company existence Thanks, Samuel My error. This may very well be legit, but I'm
suspicious, especially after getting three scam
job offers in the last six months or so (one of
which I fell for).
Susan Welsh Jul 2, 2020
Scams RU>EN translation - no company existence I got an email via Proz from
[email protected] wanting me to
translate psychology articles. That domain name
does not exist. He says it's because he's starting
a new company
Susan Welsh Jul 2, 2020
OmegaT support Pulling up translation memories from previous translations pulling up old TMs She just means accessing the old TMs. Nina, as
Samuel explained, there will be NOTHING in the TM
folder or AUTO sub-folder until you manually
copy/paste something there.
Susan Welsh Jun 25, 2020
OmegaT support How can I get my translation into the source format including its pictures and tables? Consult the manual If you haven't consulted the manual, you should.
There's also a tutorial for beginners (some of it
is not up-to-date, but the basics are):
Susan Welsh Jun 16, 2020
CAT Tools Technical Help Best free CAT tool for Arabic to English emerging translator OmegaT OmegaT is free and open source, much simpler to
use than some of the high-end CATs. It supports
right-to-left languages.
Susan Welsh Jun 5, 2020
Scams Scam - German to English, climate change in coastal marine systems my address and phone number I gave the scumbag my address and cell phone
number, after I had decided it might be real and I
would see what happened. I had told him he had to
pay the full sum by check in advance, and
Susan Welsh Jun 1, 2020
Scams Sudden inquiries "for personal use" - possible scam You guys are totally right! I just saw this post, and it's the same
e_systems.html Today he wrote to me: "I se
Susan Welsh Jun 1, 2020
Scams Scam - German to English, climate change in coastal marine systems I got it too! I didn't see this thread until now, having already
posted another comment on the same guy:
Susan Welsh Jun 1, 2020
Translation Theory and Practice SlavFile Spring 2020 is out The Spring 2020 issue of SlavFile, the quarterly
newsletter of the Slavic Languages Division of the
American Translators Association, has been
published on the SLD website. It is free and<
Susan Welsh May 31, 2020
Scams Sudden inquiries "for personal use" - possible scam I received two inquiries last week for
translation, one RU>EN and the other DE>EN, both
from gmail or hotmail addresses, no company name,
just an individual. I asked for more information
Susan Welsh May 28, 2020
OmegaT support How to take out those annoying segments numbers Why annoying? I don't know of any way to remove them, but why
would you even want to? They are helpful for
navigation, if you want to GO TO > segment number
[Ctrl+J]. Just ignore them otherwise.
Susan Welsh May 19, 2020
Office applications Word 2019 problems with hanging indents Thank to you both! Both methods worked! (I never knew there was a
"clear formatting" icon up there on the ribbon.)
This will save me hours of aggravation.
Susan Welsh Apr 13, 2020
Office applications Word 2019 problems with hanging indents I am editing a document that was created by
someone else. I have two problems with things
that I have used for years without difficulty. I
have tried every trick known to me to solve thes
Susan Welsh Apr 13, 2020
Voiceover How to do a voiceover Problem solved! Filmora's tech support said you have to login to a
Filmora account before you can export it. I did
that; it didn't work. Then I tried Lingua's idea
about closing the app and opening the F
Susan Welsh Mar 18, 2020
Voiceover How to do a voiceover exporting [quote]Lingua 5B wrote: If you click the export
button at the top middle part of the screen, it
should prompt you to select your export format and
export destination folder. Again, this
Susan Welsh Mar 17, 2020
Voiceover How to do a voiceover That worked! Thanks so much, Lingua. Now I find myself unable
to export the edited video. Nothing happens when I
click "export." I have sent a support ticket to
Filmora, so it will not be necessary fo
Susan Welsh Mar 17, 2020
Voiceover How to do a voiceover possible workarounds The problem is that I need to hear the original
video while I record, to match the content
(approximately). What I am reading is a
translation of the original video. And the
audience w
Susan Welsh Mar 16, 2020

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