frequently asked questions



  • 1 - My lists

  • 1.1 - What are "My Lists" of members, and what can I do with them?

    As you search and browse through the freelancer directory, you can select members from the directory and add them to "lists". Every member has at least two lists by default: an "IN" list (intended for favorite members) and an "OUT" list (a list of members to avoid). Additional lists can also be created, such as "Good ESL-ENG interpreters in Argentina".

    Lists can show availability and your comments about each member. members can send group messages to entire lists or to selected members of a list, via email or messaging.

    Manage your lists by selecting My -> My Lists from the main menu.

  • 1.2 - How can I send email or a message to members of my lists? members can send a group message to lists of up to 100 members. Tick the checkboxes next to the list members you want to contact, and then click the "mail selected" button. To toggle all checkboxes for a list, click the checkbox at the top of the column.

    On the subsequent page, enter your message, and choose whether you want your message sent by email or via messaging.

  • 1.3 - Are there any restrictions on the content of list messages?

    List messages may not contain advertising of any product or service (including your own services) or offensive or personal remarks. messaging and profile mailing features are provided to allow members to receive messages without disclosing their email address, for outsourcers to contact translators, and other types of communication, but NOT FOR ADVERTISING. Writing to offer your services, sending CVs or generally looking for translation work is NOT ALLOWED.

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  • 2 - translation teams

  • 2.1 - What is a translation team?

    The translation teams feature is designed to assist cooperative groups of language professionals in acting as a single entity, collaborating on projects, sharing resources, quoting on jobs, and more. teams are listed in the Teams Directory and get a unique, short URL for their team that they can share with anyone.

  • 2.2 - What tools are available in translation teams?

    Each team is provided with a private workspace that offers the following to team members:

    • A private forum where team members can discuss topics of interest.
    • The option to post KudoZ questions to team members only.
    • A team files section to share resources among team members (glossaries, TMs, CVs, reference or work files, etc.).
    • The option to post jobs to team members only and based on specific criteria (and also receive jobs from external outsourcers).

  • 2.3 - Who can create or join translation teams?

    Any user can be part of a team. However, only members can create a new team, invite other translators, and have control over the team's settings.

  • 2.4 - How can I create a team?

    To create a new team, visit the Translation teams area (a direct link is also available under the "Jobs & directories" menu tab) and click on 'Create team'. Fill in the team form and click on "Create team".

    Once created, make sure you start inviting members to your team. You can also post a link to your team in forums and invite interested members to join.

  • 2.5 - How can I join a team?

    If you found a team that interests you, visit the team's page and click on "Request to join this team". Your request will be sent to the team leader for review.

  • 2.6 - How can I invite other site members to join my team?

    If you are the team leader, you can invite site members to join your team by:

    • clicking on "Invite to team" at the top of their profile pages,
    • posting a direct link to your team to forums and inviting interested members to send a request to join your team or
    • searching site members by name or user ID and inviting them via the "Edit team" section in your team.

    You may also include a direct link to your team in the "About me" section of your profile, your email signature or your website.

  • 2.7 - Can I invite other site members to a team I joined?

    No. Only team leaders can send direct invitations to a team. However, you may contact the member you want to invite and ask them to submit a request to join from the specific team overview page.

  • 2.8 - I have received an invitation to join a team. What should I do?

    When you are invited to a team, the e-mail invitation sent to you contains a unique URL. Click on that URL to be re-directed to the team's page to reply to the invitation (i.e. to either accept or decline the invitation).

  • 2.9 - Will the team leader or any other team member know if I decline an invitation to a team?

    No. You can either accept or decline an invitation to join a team, but your response remains private to you. If you accept the invitation, you will be listed as a team member.

  • 2.10 - I have received a member's request to join my team. What should I do?

    To review the member's request to join, click on the "Click here to add this user to the team" link available in the e-mail notification to either accept the request or disregard it. You may also check the member's profile before accepting them by clicking on their name in the e-mail notification as well.

  • 2.11 - Where can I set my team preferences?

    If you are a member of a team, visit the team overview page and click on "Edit my team settings". Add a title and a description, specify your team notifications preferences ans set your instant messaging options.

  • 2.12 - How can I post a job to team members only?

    To post a job to the members of a given team, visit the team overview page and click on "Post a private job to members of this team". You will be re-directed to the classic job posting form where you will be allowed to enter information for your job.

    Note: If you restrict your job by a certain criteria, these restrictions will apply to team members as well. Hence, if for example you select Trados as required software, only team members who have reported Trados in their profiles will be invited to your job. Learn more about private jobs here.

  • 2.13 - Where can I see latest team job postings?

    Private team job postings will not be listed in team pages. Eligible service providers in a team will be notified via e-mail of new team private job postings for which the match the criteria set by the poster and will be provided with a private link to the job page to review job conditions and quote.

  • 2.14 - How can I be notified via e-mail of team job posts?

    To be notified via e-mail of private job postings, make sure you specify your job notification preferences here.

  • 2.15 - How can I post a KudoZ question for team members only?

    To post a KudoZ question to team members only (i.e. visible to team members only), visit the team workspace and click on "Ask a KudoZ question to this team". Complete the KudoZ question form (in step 2, make sure the option "Private question" is selected and that the name of the team matches the team you want to see your question) and click on "Send question to KudoZ answerers".

  • 2.16 - Where can I see latest team KudoZ questions?

    Latest team KudoZ questions asked by team members will be listed in the team workspace section.

  • 2.17 - How can I be notified via e-mail of team KudoZ questions?

    To be notified via e-mail of private KudoZ questions, make sure you specify your KudoZ notification preferences here.

  • 2.18 - How can I share files with other team members?

    To share files with members in your team, visit the team workspace and click on "Upload a file for this team". A window will expand, allowing you to browse your computer file system for the file you want to upload and specify the type of file. Once uploaded, your file will be listed in the "Team files" section within the team workspace.

    You may add notes to your file by clicking on "Add note/comments about this file" and download it at any time by clicking on "Details" and then on "Download".

  • 2.19 - Where can I see team files?

    Files uploaded to the team will be listed under "Team files" in the team workspace.

  • 2.20 - How can I delete a file I uploaded to a team?

    To delete a file you uploaded, just visit the team workspace, click on "Details" next to the file you want to remove and then on "Delete this file".

  • 2.21 - Can I share team files outside the team?

    Files shared with teams are private unless the member who uploads them says otherwise. If a team member uploaded a file you would like to share with someone outside the team, please contact the file owner and request express permission (if possible, in written form) to share the file.

  • 2.22 - How can I post a new topic to my team's private forum?

    To post a new topic to the team private forum, visit the team workspace and click on "Post a new topic in this forum" in the private forum section. Make sure the title of your topic is as reflective of the topic as possible.

  • 2.23 - Where can I see latest team forum topics?

    Latest team forum topics opened by team members will be listed in the team workspace section.

  • 2.24 - How can I be notified via e-mail of team forum posts?

    To be notified via e-mail of team private forum posts, make sure you specify your forum notification preferences here.

  • 2.25 - Where can I see a list of team members?

    Team members are listed in the team overview page.

  • 2.26 - How can I contact team members?

    You can contact team members in several ways:

    1. To contact team members individually, visit the team overview page and click on the small yellow envelope next to the team member you want to contact.
    2. To contact all team members at the same time, try making a private forum post to team members only.
    3. To contact a specific group of team members simultaneously, visit the team overview page and click on "View members of this team in the directory". This option will allow you to see in the directory of translators a list of team members and to filter them as needed. Checking the box next to each entry and selecting the option "Mail all now" available at the top of search pages will allow you to contact these team members directly and simultaneously.

  • 2.27 - How can I search for team members matching a specific set of criteria?

    To filter team members by language pair, native language, country, software used, etc., visit the team overview page and click on "View members of this team in the directory". This option will allow you to see in the directory of translators a list of team members and to filter them as needed.

  • 2.28 - Where can I edit team information?

    If you are a team leader, you can edit team information from under the "Edit team description" and "Edit team" tabs in the team page.

  • 2.29 - Can I toggle the visibility of my translation team?

    Yes, but only if you are the team leader. Translation teams can be public or visible to team members only. You can change your team's visibility from the "Edit team description" section of your team.

  • 2.30 - How can a job quote be made on behalf of a team?

    Team leaders can always quote on behalf of their team. Team members (as opposed to team leaders) can also quote on behalf of the team. By default, however, team members are not presented with the option. Team leaders must grant each user access using the "Edit team members" link on the team page, and checking the "Can quote" option next to the member's name.

    Those team members who are allowed to quote for the team will be presented with a new "This quote is on behalf of"option when quoting and with a drop down list to select to quote on behalf of themselves or on behalf of the team. The rest of the information for the quote is the same, with the exception of the contact information, which the team leader can set on the "Edit this team's information" screen.

  • 2.31 - Who should I contact to report abuse in my team?

    If site rules are being violated in a team you joined, you are encouraged to report it to the team leader. The team leader may, in turn, report this to site staff.

  • 2.32 - How is placement in the teams directory determined?

    For the time being, translation teams are listed in the Teams directory based on the number of KudoZ PRO points earned by the team (a sum of KudoZ PRO points earned by each team member).

  • 2.33 - How can I link to my team directly?

    To share a direct link to your team, visit the team overview page and copy the team URL (

  • 2.34 - I want to leave the team, what should I do?

    To leave a team, visit the team overview page and click on "Leave the team".

  • 2.35 - How do I remove a team?

    To remove a team you created, visit the team overview page and click on "Remove this team".

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  • 3 - mentoring program

  • 3.1 - What is the mentoring program?

    The mentoring program aims to provide a means for site members to meet other language professionals who are well-established enough to take on an apprentice.

    For mentees, the program is a way to ask questions and receive guidance on a variety of professional topics, get feedback on their work from an experienced colleague, and potentially earn practical translation experience. At the end of the pairing, the mentor will provide their mentee with a feedback entry on their profile.

    A mentoring pairing can be particularly useful for members who have completed formal training in translation but have yet to make the jump into full-time work; but translators looking for a new direction on their career, professionals from other areas hoping to enter the translation industry, and many others can benefit from it.

    For mentors, the program primarily enables them to share their experience and skills; but it is also a useful means for finding new partners for translation teams, or potentially for their own translation agency.

    Mentors who are themselves outsourcers, or who are in a position to refer part of their own work to their apprentice(s), may choose to offer paid work with their mentoring, but this is not a requirement of the program.

  • 3.2 - What does a mentoring pairing look like?

    The mentoring program provides a venue that connects apprentices with mentors. The terms of each apprenticeship —including any goals or objectives, the length of a particular pairing, as well as the method and pace of communication— should be determined and agreed upon by both mentor and apprentice at the onset of the pairing. However, there are some common arrangements and goals that may help you get started:

    • Length: Reported pairings have lasted between two and twelve months, averaging at six months. While mentor and mentee usually agree to an estimated length at the beginning of the arrangement, it's possible that they reach their goals sooner or later than expected.
    • Content: Past mentoring pairings have covered a wide variety of subjects. Some of them include: linguistics, useful software skills, business and finances, time management, marketing and advertising, networking at events, breaking into a particular specialized field, choosing good training courses, etc.
    • Goals: One of the most common starting points and end goals for mentoring pairings is the mentee's CV: mentors will often begin by reviewing the mentee's resume and, during the pairing, work towards building a professional resume, an attractive portfolio, and a good profile. Other milestones can include the mentee completing a certain amount of volunteer work to be reviewed by the mentor, attending a networking event, getting their first professional project, becoming a Certified PRO, etc.
    • Communication: will provide a private forum for mentor and mentee to communicate and work on, but the use of this method is entirely optative. Mentors and mentees usually agree to communicate on specific days, and it's common to establish expected reply times too.

    You can learn more about the mentoring program, and how to become a great mentor from Certified PRO Samuel Sebastian Holden Bramah, here.

  • 3.3 - How can I join the mentoring program?

    Participation in this program is open to all members.

    If you are looking to participate as a mentee, you can post a Mentor request in the Exchange, or contact prospective mentors directly from the Mentors Pool. You can also apply to create a Student profile, where you will be able to indicate if you are looking for a mentor or an internship.

    Mentors must be part of the Certified PRO Network. If you are already a Certified PRO, you can apply to become a mentor from the dedicated Mentors Pool, here. If you wish to take on an apprentice but aren't part of the CPN yet, you can apply to become a Certified PRO.

    Note that both mentor and apprentice will be asked to agree to the program Terms and Conditions before being able to participate in the program.

  • 3.4 - What are the benefits of participating in the mentoring program?

    Members participating in the program as apprentices enjoy the following benefits:

    1. The possibility to acquire practical translation experience.
    2. The opportunity to receive WWA feedback from mentors (as well as project feedback in the Project History section).
    3. The chance to add mentors as referrals.
    4. Special discounts on some training sessions. Please submit a support request for more details.

    Certified PROs acting as mentors have the following benefits:

    1. The possibility to distinguish themselves as experts while possibly finding new partners for growing their translation team or agency.
    2. Name and business promotion through the Mentors Pool
    3. The possibility to enter projects they work on with apprentices into their Project History and to display corroboration feedback posted by the apprentice
    4. Two months of membership extension (to be activated once they complete the defined mentoring period with each apprentice).
    5. Special discounts on some training sessions. Please submit a support request for more details.

  • 3.5 - What are the responsibilities of Certified PRO mentors?

    Certified PRO mentors are expected to:

    1. When possible, provide commercial work to the apprentice (in a volume and at a rate to be agreed upon mutually, taking full responsibility for timely payment to the apprentice).
    2. Check every word of the apprentice's work, editing as necessary, and providing an explanation of the edits to the apprentice.
    3. Advise and assist the apprentice as necessary in the use of required tools, marketing, site usage, etc.
    4. Report on the apprentice's performance at the close of the defined mentoring period.

  • 3.6 - What are the responsibilities of apprentices?

    Apprentices are expected to:

    1. Complete agreed upon work on time and to a high standard of quality.
    2. Familiarize themselves with required tools.
    3. Register the relationship at the start of the defined mentoring period, and then report on your experience with the mentor at the end.

  • 3.7 - Is there a required amount of time and work I need to commit to weekly to participate in the program?

    Each pairing will be able to exercise a degree of discretion regarding the amount of time and work that is taken up. So, in that sense, a mentor or apprentice (the actual pairing) would ideally be working, participating, etc., the amount of time each has agreed upon at the beginning of the commitment.

  • 3.8 - Am I allowed to have more than one mentor/apprentice?

    If you have the time to participate in more than one pairing (and your other mentor/apprentice does not object), then you may have more than one actual pairing.

    If all parts involved agree, a mentor may work jointly with more than one apprentice.

  • 3.9 - I found a mentor/apprentice that has agreed to work with me, who do I need to notify?

    Mentors and apprentices are required to register their pairing to site staff by submitting a support request.

  • 3.10 - I cannot continue working with my mentor/apprentice. What should I do?

    If, for any reason, you cannot continue working with your mentor/apprentice, notify your mentor/apprentice by making a post in the private forum site staff created for you, and submit a support request to inform site staff.

  • 3.11 - The mentor/apprentice I have agreed to work with is not replying to my emails/private forum posts. What should I do?

    If your mentor/apprentice does not respond to your messages, submit a support request.

  • 3.12 - My mentor/apprentice is not meeting the Mentoring program conditions. What should I do?

    If your mentor/apprentice is not undertaking his/her responsibilities (as outlined above), submit a support request.

  • 3.13 - Can I charge a fee for my mentoring services?

    No, the mentoring program does not enable mentors to charge mentees a fee. Mentors are compensated for their time and contribution to the community in the form of promotion and membership extensions.

    If you are interested in offering personalized training courses for a fee, you can learn more about Training here.

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  • 4 - Social Networking

  • 4.1 - What is Social Networking?

    Social networking refers to the use of a social network service to communicate with people who share interests and/or activities. These services often provide a profile, links and messages to others within your network (contacts within the network) and/or the public. Examples of social networking services include Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Google+.

  • 4.2 - How does help me integrate with my existing social networks?

    There are several ways to interact with your social networks from For example, you can post links to content using "ShareThis" buttons found around the site; you can share your forum posts (using the "share" option in the discussion form); and you can display your public Twitter updates in your profile (configure that in your social network settings).
    If you'd like to interact with your social networks in other ways, please suggest it in the social networking forum.

  • 4.3 - How can I use social networking to promote my business?

    Some examples include highlighting your participation in an industry specific discussion, sharing links to jobs or interesting articles, finding clients and peers, and providing information on services you provide.

  • 4.4 - Where can I discuss social networks on

    Visit the social networking forum »

  • 4.5 - Where can I manage my social network preferences?

    From your social network settings page.

  • 4.6 - Can I follow on Twitter and join's groups in social networks?

    Of course! Follow on Twitter, and join's groups on LinkedIn and on Facebook. You can also follow's company page on Linkedin.

  • 4.7 - I'm not interested in using social networking features at Can I disable them?

    Yes. Select "disable social networking features" in your social network settings. Most social networking features will no longer appear to you.

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  • 5 - Twitter

  • 5.1 - How can I display my public Twitter feed in my profile?

    You can set your Twitter profile preferences in your personalization settings »

  • 5.2 - What are the privacy implications of displaying my Twitter feed in my profile? does not send any personally identifiable information to Twitter. The Twitter privacy policy is available at

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  • 6 - ShareThis

  • 6.1 - What is ShareThis?

    ShareThis is a button that helps you to "tell a friend" about something you find interesting on by sharing a link to a public forum or public page through your existing social networks.

  • 6.2 - How do I use ShareThis?

    When you find a public page on that features the icon and "Share link to this ***", click the icon to choose one of your existing social networks, and it will provide you with a form to submit a link to the page. Currently, ShareThis is available in KudoZ, public forums, quick polls, upcoming conferences and powwows.

  • 6.3 - Are replies to links shared using ShareThis on social networks automatically re-posted at

    No; activity on your social networks is not available through

  • 6.4 - Does ShareThis share links to private forums on

    ShareThis is only available on public forums; it is not available on any private forums.

  • 6.5 - Does or ShareThis automatically link my profile to social networks?

    Neither or ShareThis will link your profile to social networks, and personally identifiable information is not sent from to ShareThis. The ShareThis privacy policy is available at

  • 6.6 - I do not wish to use any social networking features on; what should I do?

    Both the optional Twitter profile integration and ShareThis link sharing only work if you are already participating in a social networking service. If you do not wish to participate, do nothing.

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