Powwow 28 November 2005 in Jakarta Indonesia
The powwow I had set up was originally on 4th December 2005. But, since one member from Padang was in town before the appointed date, he insisted on setting another powwow prior to the one already set. I had thought about the idea and considered that this was a rare opportunity not to be missed. So, I set up another date, which was on the 28th November 2005. Since it was such short notice members were only interested on the first one and because of that only two confirmed for that day: myself (ID 120547) and Hipyan (ID 111189) from Padang (a city quite far from Jakarta) who was in town for his translator�s examination certificate the day before. While in Jakarta, Hipyan wanted very was very enthusiastic. He said later in the powwow that it was his first time in Jakarta.
In the early morning before the powwow was due to start several other people were notified via �sms�, some wanted to join but were tied up, whether still at work and couldn�t come or were in other city (LA), or were going on a business trip (Surabaya).
The event took place in an eatery in the south of Jakarta called Cilandak Town Square (citos) in a coffee shop. The time was nearing 13.00. I was there a little bit earlier since I was the one setting up the powwow and didn�t want anyone to be alone. J.
The first to arrive was Latifah (ID 37703), then �pak� M.Laut (ID 11543). I�ve contacted a translator friend, Lia, who was also eager to come. Prior to this event, she was not a member at proz, but we persuaded her to sign-up, I guess it was the time for member-get-member. I�m happy that Lia now is a proz-zer, unfortunately she still hasn�t completed her profile yet and goes by the name rahmalia (ID 127173).
The last to arrived was Hipyan, unfortunately since it was his first time as he said, he got caught up in traffic. He assumed that the whole trip would take him at least an hour from where he was staying to the coffee place, which turned out to be longer than expected. I guess this is an input for anyone if in Jakarta to think twice about traffic. Hipyan got there around 15.30�s. But, all of us waited for him to arrive.
The powwow agenda was informal so there weren�t any set agendas. We just introduced ourselves. We talked about experience, rates, less work due to pricing, competition from other place in the World, bad dealings etc. Basically, it was as if we were in a get together of old friends, who we weren�t of course, but the atmosphere was friendly and great. The coffee was good, but the prices were a bit pricey yet the place was all right.
Then it was about 16.00. And, everyone was leaving. Lia and Latifah left together, then it was �pak� Laut who had to go, so it was Hipyan and I. Finally, we had to leave.
It was a great feeling knowing that the challenges we face as translators here in Jakarta Indonesia was of human endeavour, which that basically translators work were as the same as other profession or other field of work that it needed perseverance to succeed and networking in a forum of profession or association.
(Photo will be uploaded soon)