Powwow Report for Georgia - Tbilisi (Sep 2 2004)

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Report from  Levan Namoradze
Tbilisi, Georgia (2004-09-02 00:00:00)
Let's establish an unformal association

Dear Friends!

On 2nd of September 2004, the Powwow has been held in Tbilisi. Special thanks to Maya Gorgoshidze and Lela Pavliashvili, who kindly allowed us to there business place!

The Powwow has been attended by ten members of Proz.com as follows:
Ms Maka Berozashvili (GEO),
Ms Maya Gorgoshidze (GEO),
Ms Tamar Kvlividze (GEO),
Ms Nino Mardaleishvili (GEO),
Ms Lela Pavliashvili (GEO),
Ms Marina Sichinava (GEO),
Ms Veronica Steparenko (GEO),
Mr Alizada Sain (AZE),
Mr Davit Mugalashvili (GEO) &
Mr Levan Namoradze (GEO).

That was very pleasant informal meeting, where we discussed some business and other matters and shared some experience also.

In particular, we talked about the Proz, the importance of the ID Verification, the CAT Tools, some business relations and tips, payment terms, establishment of a translators union or an association in Georgia and creation of a Georgian Forum at Proz.com.

In addition, I, Levan Namoradze have verified the IDs of five Proz members.
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Report from  Maya Gorgoshidze
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Report from  Levan Namoradze
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(Click on an image for larger view)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Veronica Steparenko
Maka Berozashvili
Marina Sichinava
kvaloy (X)
X \"Reporter\"
Tamar Kvlividze
Maya Gorgoshidze
Levan Namoradze
Nola JK
Lela Pavliashvili

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Oct 19 '04  Levan Namoradze: megobrebo,
samcuxarod, rogorc chans, tvalkurs ver adevnebt kartul porums. amdenad, gadavckvite am sashualebit mesargebla.

momzadda "kavkasiuri enebis tarjimanta gaertianebis" (pirobiti dasaxeleba) cesdebis proekti. dainteresebulebs gtxovt mommartot el-postit. sasurvelia kvelam ertad ganvixilot cesdebis proekti!


Sep 2 '04  Veronica Steparenko: hi everybody - the pics are sent
Dear Friends,
Here are today's pictures. Is you have not received them - just let me know. Levan, I have read your report - it's impressive. One slip (I believe it might be important for the ID verification) - it's StepaRenko. Thank you for your care. Hope to hear from you soon,