Powwow Report for República de Corea (Corea del Sur) - Seoul (Oct 10 2008)

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Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Oct 11 '08  Doyeon Lee: I was waiting....
I was waiting more than 30 minutes yesterday at SamSung Station Exit No 4 from 4:30 pm. And met festinalente after her meeting. I double checked the time and place but maybe we all miss that part.
Well, I cannot attend today because I've already spent my time yesterday, so I don't have any.
Hope you are having great time with each other. It was good yesterday too.
See you next time if we have any chance again. Bye now!
Oct 11 '08  Uneedustrans: Hello!
Please let me know your thought.

Cell : 019-476-4068

When : 5 PM, October 11 (Saturday)

Where : Exit 4 of Samsung Station

Oct 11 '08  Uneedustrans: Confirmation
When : 5 PM, October 11(Saturday)
Where : Samsung Station Exit Number 4 (not Kangnam Station)

Please let me know your thoughts.

Thank you!
Oct 11 '08  Uneedustrans: OK !!
When: 5 p.m. Oct. 11, Sat., 2008
Where: at the 4th gate of Kangnam Station
Oct 11 '08  Billy Kang: re-try for getting together!

Why don't we try again today as Magda Dziadosz suggested.

Please let me set up time and place as follows:

When: 5 p.m. Oct. 11, Sat., 2008
Where: at the 4th gate of Kangnam Station

Cell: 010-5189-3626

Please call me if you have any issue.
Oct 10 '08  Magda Dziadosz: Next try tomorrow?
Hello all,
I was waiting with my green hat on at 4 pm, but I guess we somehow missed each other. Shall we try tomorrow again, then?
It will be terrible to be so close and just miss the opportunity to meet :) let's agree the best time for everybody - for me the best would be sometime in the afternoon - 5-6.
Oct 10 '08  Uneedustrans: Confirming meeting time and place
I will meet you all at Samsung Station at 4. Thank you!
Oct 10 '08  Uneedustrans: Samsung Station 4:00 PM, October 11,
Please let me know more information on the exit number of Samsung Station.
Oct 10 '08  Billy Kang: Let me make this arrangement claer.
When: 4:00 p.m., Oct. 11, 2008
Where: samsung station at 4

Is it right?
Oct 10 '08  festinalente: Oops...
my meeting is gonna be longer...I need to be on call by 6 pm. I'd like to join you after that though. I will give Dee Lee my number. So, please keep me updated ;)
Oct 10 '08  Magda Dziadosz: 4 pm samsung station exit 4
Hi all,
the posts now appear on a View Report page (left side) - that's beacuse of the time difference, for proz this powwow is now "past" ;))
So, Lets all meet at samsung station at 4. I don't have any phone here, so I have to rely on email only :(
See you soon!
Oct 10 '08  Doyeon Lee: I don't see any updates....
Is there any technical problems? There's no updates after my last posting.
I got 2 update e-mail about "Samsung station" at "4:30" pm and someone (guess festinalente) will pick us up? And Magda is wearing green hat? right?
Samsung station would be okay with me, but hope don't go far from Sadang station anymore, please.
If there's anything wrong on the information, please let me know through e-mail.
[email protected]

Thanks. See you guys!
Oct 10 '08  festinalente: Sure
okay then I have a meeting in 30 min...I will be able to check this board after lunch time. Oh and I am also intrigued in the place you know, Dee Lee!
Then plz update me, Magada via phone, etc.
Oct 10 '08  Magda Dziadosz: Samsung station
here is what I suggest: I will be waiting at Samsung station, exit number 4 (outside,on top of stairs) at 4 pm. we can all meet here and then go to some place or, if you agree some other place (Gangnam or other), festinalente, can you then pick me up and we will go there together?
I will be easy to find: I will wear a green hat!
How does it sound?