Powwow Report for Georgia - Tbilisi (Sep 29 2007)

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Report from  Maya Gorgoshidze
Tbilisi Powwow was held online in a chat room. It started at 14:00 GMT and had many guests. Georgian translators from Georgia and US welcomed colleagues from other countries. A number of powwow organizers, ProZ.com moderators and some site staff members joined our meeting to say “Hi!”. Main languages represented at our Powwow were Georgian and English, but there you could also see greeting messages written in Greek, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, French, German... It was really international and very impressive. After the long cheerful greetings the Georgian team discussed some issues concerning freelancing in general, including dealing with clients and safety problems.

Our message we want to send from our powwow to other translators around the world is:

<b>Warm greetings to all Powwows from the Powwow team of Georgian translators!

We all live on the Translators Virtual Planet and serve as messengers between different cultures and languages. We have our impact on building bridges between various peoples and nations. For us, being together means to build bridges everywhere they are needed, and to make them stronger.</b>

We have translated the message “Many powwows, one tribe” into Georgian: მრავალი Powwow, ერთი გუნდი!

Some discussions were about the theme we would like to propose for next year, but we could not come to any good formulation of our idea. Then we decided to think about this and try to decide later. Next day we agreed on the following formulation: “<b>Get Closer to Go Farther</b>”.

We really had a lot of fun. <b>Our special thanks to Romina, who organized such a wonderful event for all translators all over the world. And, of course, our cordial thanks and sincere respects to the ProZ.com staff for making such a cozy home and a very comfortable Translation Workplace for us!</b>

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Maya Gorgoshidze
Levan Namoradze
Lela Pavliashvili
Salome Tkhelia

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