French/Spanish > English

Szczegóły ogłoszenia
Prośba - Mentoring
Od: Shana Middleton
Zamieszczona dnia:Sep 8, 2020

I am starting out as a translator from French into English and Spanish into English. I have a Master's qualification and I am also certified. I have experience and interest in the field of education and would like to specialise in this area.

Although I believe I have a lot to offer and I have been working hard to build a presence for myself, I realise I would greatly benefit from industry contacts and guidance from an experienced professional.

I am seeking guidance and assistance in the following areas:
- professional references
- advice concerning industry expectations
- information related to CAT tools
- pointers on finding work

I am truly looking forward to working with a mentor. I also hope this mentoring opportunity may help you to build and develop relevant aspects of your professional career to create a mutually beneficial connection.

Omów tę prośbę zShana Middleton

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