Seeking a Spanish to English Mentor

Post Details
Request - Mentoring
From: Diana Lima
Posted on: Mar 31, 2013
Description: I would like to be a part of the mentorship program, as I'm still relatively new, so I can learn more about the business side of translation for example:
providing quotes, rates, contracts, terms and conditions, invoicing, accounting, marketing, networking, resources, continuing development. I would like to share experiences, advice and ideas with a translator about various situations in the translation profession. I would like to be able to receive feedback from my mentor about various topics such as resume, cover letter and marketing strategies.

I will definitely ask questions, as I have many, I will share information, resources and anything I find that may be of interest to my mentor. I would respect their time and space. I am motivated, hardworking and determined to become a successful translator and therefore will approach this mentorship with a professional and serious attitude.

I would prefer, but welcome any language pair translators, Spanish to English Translators as I would appreciate help with improving my translation skills.

Thank you for your time.

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