Mentor for Spanish/English Translation

Post Details
Request - Mentoring
From: Ally Stack
Posted on: Feb 4, 2014
Location: Birmingham
Description: My name is Ally Stack. I reside in Birmingham, Alabama, USA. I am a native American English speaker. I have a Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Studies with a concentration in Latin America and a minor in Spanish. I have an Associate of Arts Degree in Spanish as well. During my studies, I have had to write many papers in English and Spanish. I have received certification as a translator in Spanish/English from the Global Translation Institute. I am new to the translation industry and freelancing, and I am looking for guidance and help on getting started. I have a few ideas on what I should do but I need someone to help push me in the right direction on attracting clients, maintaining work, marketing, setting rates, which local companies aside from translation agencies should I contact, etc. I would also like it if someone could direct me on samples that I could do and/or work and to check my work and let me know how I could improve. I have done administrative work in the past at law firms, insurance companies and other businesses. I did a few translations for these companies on the side. I have not developed a specialization yet and I know it is important to have a specialization. I would like to discuss what areas would be best to specialize in as well. I feel that I have a good writing background with my previous studies and in my previous jobs, especially working as an assistant for attorneys.

I am pursuing freelance translation full time and I am hoping to develop a full career as a translator. I would be able to dedicate 30-40 hours Monday-Friday. I am hard working, I pay attention to detail, organized, professional. I have a strong passion for Spanish and the Hispanic culture. I have friends and contacts from Latin America and Spain that live in the USA and abroad, primarily from Mexico. I feel that this has given me a better insight into the Hispanic culture and not just the Spanish language.

Thank you very much,
Ally Stack

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