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The Carriage (1) translated by Haydee Incicco

It was a hundred-year old manor. As beautiful as it was ominous. Pregnant with silenced stories.

In the shed, the old carriage sleeps its sleep of oblivion.
"Don´t you ever ride it," Mother always insisted.

Defiant, Lucia had the carriage readied.
Warily and with throbbing temples, she held the reins and took to the trail.

There, past and future merged in a repeated fateful ritual.

The elms closed in after their wake, as vassals ...or executioners?

Never again a trace of Lucia´s.
Just some mud on the wheels of the carriage, sitting smugly asleep in the shed.

Written by Claudia Bagnardi

(1) small and stylish horse-drawn carriage)

" La volanta *" Mar 27, 2005

(* carro de tiro pequeño y estilizado)

Era una estancia centenaria. Tan bella como ominosa. Grávida de historias silenciadas.

En el galpón, duerme olvidada una volanta.
"Nunca la usen", sempiterna sentencia de mamá.

Desafiante, Lucía hizo preparar la volanta.
Con resquemor ancestral y sienes batientes, tomó las riendas y se largó al camino.

Allí, pasado y futuro se fundieron en un repetido ritual fatídico.

Los álamos se cerraron tras su paso, como vasallos... ¿o verdugos?

Nunca más un rastro de Lucía.
Solo barro en las ruedas de la volanta, que duerme satisfecha en el galpón.

Claudia Bagnardi

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