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What translation project are you working on right now?
Finished a 75k word project in Gaming! Localization of an incredibly fun & addictive mobile game.
Subtitles for a business presentation. 1 user
An assortment of small texts for a well-known delivery platform.
An article on blackjack for a leading chain of online casinos.
A short business guide for a leading international business school. 1 user
Contest terms and conditions.
Terms & Conditions for a contest being run by a well-known delivery company.
Short UI updates for a couple of casino games.
Tourney rules & conditions for a gaming website.
(edited) Website updates and a survey for a well-known delivery company.
Word count update for December / January. New Year's Resolution: be better about updating WIWO.
(edited) A number of localization projects for a leading delivery platform. It's always fun working on creative material! 1 user
An assortment of small projects for gaming (casino) websites completed over November.
An assortment of documents, incl. birth certificates, school transcripts, CVs, driving records and licenses.
A medical certificate and police clearance.
A feature film starring Maggie Gyllenhaal. 1 user
Website & app content for a delivery company with global reach.
Exhibition on Africa.
English to Portuguese gaming & casino content.
Birth certificate. 1 user
Student transcript.
Safety plan for at-risk children.
Test on behalf of a translation agency.
Video game content.
English to Portuguese kinship caregiver agreement.
English to Portuguese translation of a diploma and academic transcript.
English to Portuguese translation of invoicing details / communications.
English to Portuguese translation of a costumer satisfaction survey.
English to Portuguese translation of an academic transcript.
English to Portuguese translation of a videogame app description.
English to Portuguese translation of a marriage certificate and FBI identity history.
English to Portuguese translation of a renewal form and other documentation pertaining to insurance and medical care in the US.
Translation of an update for a corporate website.
English to Portuguese website updates.
English to Portuguese divorce certificate.
English to Portuguese translation of customer communications.
English to Portuguese transcreation of app descriptions.
English to Portuguese translation of marketing copy.
English to Portuguese translation of a short snippet for a delivery website.
English to Portuguese translation of short snippets for a gaming website.
English to Portuguese translation + proofreading of website content for a large international tech company.
English to Portuguese translation of a police clearance and a medical certificate.
Translation of academic transcripts & certificates.
English to Portuguese translation of the release notes for a well-known app.
Portuguese to English translation of an academic transcript.
Portuguese to English translation of a birth record.
English to Portuguese translation of website policies / forms for a multinational floriculture business.
English to Portuguese translation of a notarial certificate.
English to Portuguese translation of 2 CVs & a number of certificates, both pertaining to shipping & petroleum.
Proofreading of the English & Portuguese versions of copy for a videogame.
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