8,266 registrants

2012 Freelance translator virtual conference

Sep 27, 2012

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See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directory

Results (8,267) (Members shown first)
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Claudia Botero Contact directly
Native in Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Colombian) Native in Spanish
Bio: I am biologist but I am devoted to translation and have been doing so for 22 years now. I am Colombian and translate from English into Spanish.
Message: Hello, thank you for shearing with me
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Georgetadc Contact directly
Checked in
Daniela Talaat-Vegas Contact directly
ATA Member/NYU Certific./B.A. Journalism
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
New York University - School of Continuing and Professional Studies, Certificate in Translation - New York University (NYU) , ATA, 15 years of experience
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Giffted Contact directly
Linguistic Solutions for the Industry.
Dominican Republic
Native in Spanish (Variants: Dominican, Latin American, US) 
Bio: Native Spanish speaker with a technical background and professional training as a Chemical Engineer. Ten years of experience in technical translation, six of those as an independent English to Spanish translator. Founded Applied Linguistic Solutions in 2005, successfull...
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CBLS Contact directly
Native in French 
Université de Genève, MA-FTI (formerly ETI) - Faculty of Translation and Interpreting
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Cintia Allsup Contact directly
Faith and Design!
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) 
Brasillis, OTHER-Brasillis, 17 years of experience
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Aleksandra Fiddler Contact directly
Professional translation with a smile
United Kingdom
Native in Polish 
DPSI, Chartered Institute of Linguists, National Register of Public Service Interpreters, University of Warsaw, Uniwersytet Jagielloński - Filologia Germańska - Specjalizacja Translatologiczna, MA-St. Michael's College, Vermont, USA, CIOL, NRPSI, 23 years of experience
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Pawel Handzlik Contact directly
Linguist with an Engineering twist!
Native in Polish Native in Polish
MA-Opole University, 27 years of experience
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goosy Contact directly
Native in Slovak Native in Slovak
Bio: I am a fresh graduate of translation studies from Comenius University in Bratislava.
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Zaw Winmaung Contact directly
Perfection in Translation
United States
Native in Burmese Native in Burmese
Minnesota Court Interpreter Roster., National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators, GD-Institute of Foreign Languages, Rangoon, ATA, NAJIT, 23 years of experience
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Antoni Frodyma Contact directly
Reliability in pure form
Native in Polish Native in Polish
29 years of experience
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Olesea Lupu-Furtuna Contact directly
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian, Russian Native in Russian
GD-USB Alecu Russo, 17 years of experience
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Huong Lai Contact directly
IT, Games, Telecom, Business and more
Native in Vietnamese 
Bio: I am a qualified English-Vietnamese translator with 6 years experience.
Message: Nice to meet you
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Jesús Garcia Contact directly
A single word can change the world
Native in Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Mexican) 
Bio: I, ve been a translator for over 4 years in the pair English-Spanish.
Message: Hi everyone, I would like to join to this recruitment fair.
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Andre Martial Contact directly
On time delivery, high quality results
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, French Native in French
29 years of experience
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Checked in
Larisa Dmitrieva Contact directly
Translator with engineering background
United States
Native in Russian 
Bio: En>Ru Technical ranslator with engineering background, 3 years translating experience.
Message: Hello :)
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Anja Broms Contact directly
engaged, proffesional and passionate
Native in Finnish Native in Finnish, Swedish Native in Swedish
Bio: I am available for work:
experienced in finnish -> swedish, different areas.
and I also do:
english -> swedish
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Erin Summers Contact directly
French to English translator
Native in English 
OTHER-Words Language Services, ATA, 15 years of experience
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Nidia Sofia Espinoza Contact directly
Medical and scientific translations
Native in Spanish 
Traducción profesional (inglés). Escuela de apli, OTHER-Cálamo&Cran, 16 years of experience
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jalulewicz Contact directly
Native in English 
16 years of experience
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Mizanur Rahman Contact directly
English to Bengali, English to Sylheti
United Kingdom
Native in Bengali Native in Bengali, Sylheti Native in Sylheti
Geneva, Switzerland, Chartered Institute of Linguists, National Register of Public Service Interpreters, GD-Institute of Linguists in UK, NRPSI, 32 years of experience
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Anna Useli Contact directly
Make Every Word Count
United Kingdom
Native in Italian 
Italy: Università di Cagliari, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, MA-London Metropolitan University, ITI, The Subtitlers' Association, ASETRAD, 16 years of experience
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Anita Klatkiewicz Contact directly
High quality translation, low price
United States
Native in English 
Marquette University, MA, 37 years of experience
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Andrea Bernard (X) Contact directly
3D Printing, Electronics, Medical Tech
Native in German Native in German
M.A. in Japanese Studies, Free University Berlin, OTHER-State Certified Translator EN/DE (2 year course), Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI), ProCopywriter Network, BDÜ, SFT, 28 years of experience
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Christian Strugariu Contact directly
Immer das Beste geben!
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian, German Native in German
Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, GD-Al. I Cuza University, 18 years of experience
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Alexandra Bourne Contact directly
Localization Project Manager
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Bio: I have worked in the translation and localization field for over 12 years. My experience includes project management and localization engineering. I am currently the Senior Localization Manager for Mellmo, a software company based in San Diego that develops business int...
Message: I am glad to attend this event, and I hope to become a more active member of ProZ.
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gunta_de Contact directly
Accuracy and style
Native in Latvian Native in Latvian
University of Latvia, 27 years of experience
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Romina Fanzini Contact directly
the art of conveying ideas
Native in Italian Native in Italian
MA-IULM University,Milan-Italy, Chamber of Commerce of Piacenza, ASETRAD, 18 years of experience
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Jan Táborský Contact directly
Czech Republic
Native in Czech Native in Czech
21 years of experience
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Ljiljana Krstic Contact directly
Certified Court Interpreter
Native in Serbian Native in Serbian, Bosnian Native in Bosnian
Bio: can be seen at www.proz.com/profile/24460
Message: Hi, let's start with meeting virtually, and then continue in person...
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Cristiane Fernandes Contact directly
Brazilian Translator - EN, ES, pt-BR
Native in Portuguese 
University of Oxford, OTHER-University of Oxford, 26 years of experience
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yolivf Contact directly
quality and flexibility
Native in Spanish 
Bio: Education and training

• Course on Modern Greek at Stavros Niarchos Centre, University of Ioannina (Greece), January-June 2012. (C1)
• Course on Modern Greek at the School of Modern Greek of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), summer course 2008.
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Cristina Rodríguez Doblado Contact directly
Medical translator
Native in Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) 
Universitat Jaume I, MA-Universitat Jaume I, 11 years of experience
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María Cecilia Martorello Contact directly
Certified EnglishSpanish Translator
Native in Spanish (Variants: Standard-Spain, Latin American) 
Universidad CAECE - Sede Mar del Plata , BA-CAECE University, Mar del Plata, Argentina., CTPCBA, 19 years of experience
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Laurens Landkroon Contact directly
Your Strategic Partner in Languages
Native in Dutch (Variant: Netherlands) Native in Dutch, English (Variants: UK, US) Native in English
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: {English-German-Dutch} Translator/Interpreter/ Proofreader & Columnist;
 Language trainer; Tailor-fitted in-company training courses and personal coaching;
 Localization (Software & websites), Transcriptions, DTP, Subtitling and SEO services;
 Interpreting S...
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susi_svf Contact directly
Physics and programming studies
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, Galician Native in Galician
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (Ourense), 24 years of experience
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Julieta Sapienza Vera Contact directly
Native in Spanish 
ISCEM, GD-ISCEM, 17 years of experience
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Kirti Vashee Contact directly
Machine Translation Specialist
United States
Native in English Native in English, Gujarati Native in Gujarati
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Vladimir Kolteniuk Contact directly
Health, community, oil, el.engineering
United States
Native in Russian Native in Russian
ATA, Association of Professional Translators of Moldova, Association of Professional Language Interpreters, Toronto, Cana, HITA, 35 years of experience
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MURAT TUKEL Contact directly
Precision-Experience-Native Translator
United States
Native in Turkish 
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: Over 20 years of experience- specialized mostly in technical, medical and law/legal translations. References available upon request.
Message: Merhaba from Turkish Translator @ US.
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Nazli Koksal Contact directly
20+ years of experience
Native in Turkish Native in Turkish
Bogazici University, BA-Bogazici University, Conference Interpreters Association of Turkey (TKTD), 28 years of experience
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Beatrix Kerkhoff Büscher Contact directly
Civil Engineer and Tech Translator
Native in German Native in German
24 years of experience
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Stephanie Bohnerth Contact directly
>25 yrs medical + certified translations
Native in German Native in German
Bio: EN, FR > DE medical and business translator
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Flora Iacoponi, MCIL Contact directly
Competence, quality, collaboration
Native in Italian 
Bio: Translator/Reviewer/Localiser from English to Italian with 12 years experience in the industry.
I have worked as in-house linguist in global IT companies based in Ireland for many years, gaining invaluable experience.
I have started my full time freelance career onl...
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Lorena Vicente Contact directly
Technical & Scientific Translations
Native in Spanish (Variants: US, Argentine, Latin American) 
Bio: English to Spanish translator based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Areas of specialization: Technical, Medical and Pharmaceutical Translation, Software Localization and Environmental Science.
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Jadwiga Wos Contact directly
Your faithful interpreter and translator
Native in Polish 
University of Lodz, MA-University of Lodz, Poland, 18 years of experience
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Mariana Snyder Contact directly
Interpreter with medical background
United States
Native in Bulgarian (Variant: Standard-Bulgaria) 
30 years of experience
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A. Wendschuh Contact directly
Language Expert EN-DE, PT-DE
Native in German Native in German
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Fremdsprachliche Philologien, GD-Humboldt University Berlin, 18 years of experience
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Fabiola Ortega Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), BA-Centro Universitario Angloamericano, 20 years of experience