7,926 registrants

Recruitment day

Sep 26, 2012

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See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directory

Results (7,927) (Members shown first)
Irene Margon Contact directly
Native in Italian Native in Italian
MA-University of Trieste - SSLMIT, 14 years of experience
Valérie Le Deroff Contact directly
Master in law & 10 years experience
Native in French 
OTHER-Certificate in Translation, New York University, ATA, 16 years of experience
Alexandra Borghese Contact directly
Native in French Native in French
Bio: Freelance translator/conference interpreter
Sophie Leray Contact directly
15 years experience, Master in Business
Native in French Native in French, Italian Native in Italian
Université de Rennes 2 - LEA, 24 years of experience
Karen Rakotonomenjanahary Contact directly
Quality driven English/French Translator
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French, Malagasy Native in Malagasy
OTHER-American Cultural Center
Noelia Favaloro Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
JanaAlexieva Contact directly
Native in Bulgarian 
BA-Sofia University 'St.Kliment Ohridski", 14 years of experience
NorisSanchez Contact directly
Interpretation and Translation Services
LeaSmith Contact directly
Native in Czech Native in Czech
Idan Sadan Contact directly
Traducciones cuidadas y fiabels
Native in Hebrew Native in Hebrew
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, GD-Pompeu Fabra University, 17 years of experience
Hristina Jordanoska Contact directly
Native in Macedonian Native in Macedonian
Ministry of Justice, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology, BA-UKIM, 16 years of experience
Gunita Bauere Contact directly
Economics, investments, banking, medical
Native in Latvian Native in Latvian
Bio: Having worked in the banking sector for over 11 years my expertise is economy, finance (financial instruments market etc.), banking, accounting and general European Union issues. Work in the central bank has set high standards for my professional performance, accuracy a...
Message: It is a great opportunity to meet many professionals in one place.
slsintl (X) Contact directly
Accurate. Professional. On Time.
n_oslen Contact directly
Native in Portuguese Native in Portuguese
32 years of experience
bluedragon971 Contact directly
Armando Abreu
United States
Native in Spanish (Variants: Latin American, Mexican) Native in Spanish
BA-Benjamin Franklin institute , 22 years of experience
Maria Belyakova Contact directly
Traduction de brevets/Patent Translation
Russian Federation
Native in Russian Native in Russian
Kazan State Pedagogical University, 30-31 May Translation Conference (Samara, Russia), 28 years of experience
anita-bonita Contact directly
Native in Russian Native in Russian
Message: wish everybody an informative webinar!
Christina Paiva Contact directly
Science-driven Sworn Translations
Native in Portuguese (Variant: Brazilian) Native in Portuguese, English (Variant: US) Native in English
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: Brazilian-American, bilingual, Pharmacist-Biochemist -USP, MSc Soil and Plant Nutrition - USP, Researcher in Cell Biology: 17 years, Freelance Translator 14 years, Sworn Translator 11 years.
Yeimy Savoie (X) Contact directly
More than 2 years in various fields
Native in French (Variant: Canadian) 
Bio: I am a third year student at Concordia University and wish to explore more of the freelance translator world!
I have little experience in translation and I am curious about knowing the "ins and outs" of this career.
Message: Hi, everyone, happy to meet you!
noischi Contact directly
Traduction chinoise gratuite
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
tradsabri Contact directly
Native in Italian Native in Italian
BA-Università di Barcellona, 15 years of experience
Viktoria Volkova Contact directly
Legal, medical, business translations
Native in Bulgarian (Variant: Standard-Bulgaria) Native in Bulgarian, Russian Native in Russian
Ukraine: Zaporizhzhya Institute of Economics and I, Sofia University (St. Kliment Ohridski), Zaporizhzhya Institute of Economics and Information Technologies, MA-Specialist's degree, 20 years of experience
Diana Judele Contact directly
Keep calm and translate
Native in Romanian 
Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, MA-UAIC, 14 years of experience
Karol Kacprzak Contact directly
Passionate about gaming
Native in Polish 
Poland: Adam Mickiewicz University, MA-Adam Mickiewicz Univeristy, 12 years of experience
Ivana Chmelarova Contact directly
Czech Republic
Native in Czech Native in Czech, Slovak Native in Slovak
Freelancer and outsourcer
MA-University J.E.Purkyne, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic, 34 years of experience
Suzanne Goodall (X) Contact directly
Faithful and accurate
Native in English 
Bio: French to English translator.
rinconart Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Anja Fulle Contact directly
Your words are in good hands
United States
Native in German Native in German
Bio: Dedicated freelancer with 20 years experience, working internationally, always on the move.
Message: Looking forward to cyber-meet you all!
Blueberryjam33 Contact directly
Kevin Vaughan
Native in English Native in English
15 years of experience
Simon Andriesen Contact directly
Translators Without Borders Contact directly
Traducteurs Sans Frontières (TSF)
Linda Pupova Contact directly
Native in Latvian Native in Latvian
20 years of experience
Marek Pawelec Contact directly
Native in Polish Native in Polish
24 years of experience
Alp Berker Contact directly
Advanced work in IT + Social Sciences
United States
Native in English 
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapoli, American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages , MATI, 21 years of experience
Natasha Najdenov Contact directly
Freelance Translator
Native in Serbian Native in Serbian
GD-Sofia University, 21 years of experience
tds Contact directly
Native in German Native in German
37 years of experience
Nordic Troll Contact directly
United Kingdom
Native in Swedish Native in Swedish
Master of Arts in Swedish University of Vaasa, 21 years of experience
escarciag (X) Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, MA-Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, 13 years of experience
Maria Elena Abbate Contact directly
A reliable and experienced professional
Native in Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) 
Bio: My name is Maria Elena Abbate and I live in Ferrara, Italy.

I took my Degree in FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES (French and English) at the University of Bologna in 2001. Title of my thesis in French literature: "La città ne Les hommes de bonne volonté di Jules R...
Message: Good luck!
sony novian Contact directly
Native in Indonesian Native in Indonesian
Message: Hi all, I'm Sony owner of www.makna.net translation and interpreting agency in Indonesia
Nancy Leveson Contact directly
Spanish to English technical translation
Native in English 
American Translators Association, WA State DSHS Certified Social Svcs Interpreter, OTHER-Translation and Interpretation Institute, Bellevue Washington--Certificate in Translation, ATA, Washington State Coalition for Language Access (WASCLA), NOTIS, WITS, NAJIT, 20 years of experience
Rosabella Contact directly
Native in Indonesian Native in Indonesian, Javanese Native in Javanese
Bio: An adventorous and exploring student looking for experience.
Message: Hello! Nice to meet all of you~
h_usui (X) Contact directly
EN>JPN the best service here!
Native in Japanese Native in Japanese
OTHER-Fellow Academy translation course BETA
shuby1 Contact directly
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
Bio: I was a software engineer. I started translation job six year ago. I translate English to Chinese or Japanese and Japanese to Chinese.
Message: I am a new member at ProZ.com. This is a great chance to meet professional people online
hanthuy Contact directly
Native in Vietnamese Native in Vietnamese
BA-University of Science
Paul Stevens Contact directly
Accurate and reliable translations
Native in English 
University of Wales - B.A. (Hons.), BA-Cardiff University College, ACII, 26 years of experience
Raquel Alejandra Ortiz Contact directly
Native in Spanish 
Freelancer and outsourcer
TESOL, Asociación Argentina de Traductores e Intérpretes, BA-Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, 20 years of experience
Rada Alempijevic Contact directly
Native in Serbian 
National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, Serbia: UB, 19 years of experience