6,758 registrants

Advanced translator skills virtual event

Sep 24, 2012

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116 total. Showing 1-50
ProZ.com users -- in Netherlands -- registered for the event (116)
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Silke Streit Contact directly
Professional translations to German
Native in German (Variant: Germany) Native in German
Folkuniversitetet Göteborg, Hogeschool Gent, Departement Vertaalkunde, Universität Leipzig, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio , MA-University of Leipzig, 21 years of experience
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Gerwin Jansen Contact directly
weil Übersetzen ein Fach ist!
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: 1987 M.A. in German Language and Literature, Radboud University Nijmegen, specialization Professional Translation German and English.
1987 First translation job for Warner Bros. (guitar method).
1989 Sworn in as a translator for the German language
1989-1990 Eurocon...
Message: We don't learn from what we did right, but we learn from the feedback on what we did wrong!
Max Nuijens Contact directly
Energy & Environment, MSc
Native in Dutch (Variant: Netherlands) Native in Dutch
Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), Nederlands Instituut voor Biologie (NIBI), Vereniging van Milieuprofessionals (VVM), 17 years of experience
Antoinette Verburg Contact directly
2 MA degrees and 32 years of experience
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Certified sworn translator, district court, NL, Netherlands Society of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV), MA-Leiden University (verified) , NGTV, 37 years of experience
Serge Wolff Contact directly
Speaking your language!
Native in Dutch (Variants: Flemish, Netherlands, Aruba) Native in Dutch
Freelancer and outsourcer
Hogeschool van Amsterdam, BA-Hogeschool voor Economische Studies (HES, nu HVA)), 14 years of experience
Lucia Castrillon Contact directly
Translator & Copywriter ✒️ +15 years
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Diplome d'Etudes en Langue Française, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, MA-Facultad de Filología, Oviedo (Spain), 17 years of experience
Cristina Heraud-van Tol Contact directly
Accuracy and Commitment
Native in Spanish (Variants: Peruvian, Latin American) Native in Spanish
Freelancer and outsourcer
Ricardo Palma University, Lima - Peru, BA-Universidad Ricardo Palma - Lima, Peru, 31 years of experience
Pieter Beens Contact directly
Dedicated Dutch copywriter and linguist
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Open University, BA-Open University, 16 years of experience
Global textware Contact directly
Local roots, global approach
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
LISA, TAUS, ELIA, 18 years of experience
Arie de Vries Contact directly
The right words - the right place
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
http://itv-h.nl/frans.html, ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen, University of Zagreb , OTHER-ITV Utrecht, 16 years of experience
Erwin van Wouw Contact directly
Technically trained native Dutch speaker
Native in Dutch (Variant: Netherlands) Native in Dutch
SNEVT – Hogeschool West-Nederland, the Hague, BA-Hogeschool West-Nederland, the Hague, 18 years of experience
Suzanne Deveson Contact directly
Accuracy and style
Native in Dutch (Variant: Netherlands) Native in Dutch
Amsterdam District Court (certified translator), BA-Maastricht School of Translation & Interpreting, 28 years of experience
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Maartje Giebels Contact directly
16+ years of technical translations
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Translation academy Maastricht - The Netherlands, OTHER-Translation Academy of Maastricht (Netherlands), 17 years of experience
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Alma de Kok Contact directly
Vertalingen van betekenis
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Bio: Translator Polish-Dutch, English-Dutch, based in Poland, 7 years translation experience
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Checked in
Maarten Lemmens Contact directly
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Michael Bosch Contact directly
Technical & Legal EN/NL/ES combinations
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: I have been a freelance translator since 2003. I started working as a freelance translator and interpreter for the sales offices that I worked for in Spain, Germany, Turkey and Greece as a part-time job. Shortly after that I decided to do it full-time and I have since t...
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Déborah Essers-Jansen (X) Contact directly
Translation/proofreading Dutch
Native in Dutch 
Vertaalacademie Maastricht, OTHER-Maastricht school of interpretation, 19 years of experience
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Lestat1976 Contact directly
Working harder, pleasing faster
Native in Spanish 
BA-University of Matanzas, 25 years of experience
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Marcel Falter Contact directly
Altijd haarscherp / Always razor sharp
Native in Dutch 
Message: Looking forward to meeting everyone next week!
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Channa Montijn (X) Contact directly
Always going the extra mile!
Native in Dutch 
NGTV, BA-Amsterdam, NGTV, JTP, JTP, 24 years of experience
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Mieke Tulp (X) Contact directly
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
OTHER-Centrale Opleidingscursus Tolk-Vertalen, 20 years of experience
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vdLek (X) Contact directly
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian, English Native in English
MA-Lessius Hogeschool, 14 years of experience
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Titia Meesters (X) Contact directly
Pharma Specialist, PhD Microbiology
Native in Dutch (Variant: Netherlands) 
PHD-in Microbiology; University of Wageningen, VZV, 25 years of experience
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Maaike Mohsen (X) Contact directly
Let's make your business talk
Native in Dutch 
ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen, ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen, BA-ITV Institute of Higher Education for Interpreters and Translators, 15 years of experience
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Marjon Pijl Contact directly
Hasta Luego: your partner in translating
Native in Dutch 
NIOW, OTHER-NIOW Zeist, NGTV, 27 years of experience
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Natallia Korzun Contact directly
With attention to your texts!
Native in Belarusian Native in Belarusian, Russian Native in Russian
ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen te Utrecht, OTHER-Course "General translation skills" at ITV High school for Interpretation and Translation in Utrecht - 2014, 13 years of experience
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ntschanz Contact directly
Reliable and professional
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Netherlands Society of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV), BA-ITV, Utrecht, NGTV, , 26 years of experience
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Maria Storto Contact directly
Sworn Translator
Native in Italian Native in Italian
MA-University of Geneva, 14 years of experience
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macimovic Contact directly
EU, Multimedia & product translation
Native in Serbian Native in Serbian
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, GD-Faculty of Philology at the University of Belgrade, 16 years of experience
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Frederique Nouet Contact directly
traductrice Neerlandais,Anglais>Francais
Native in French 
GD-University of Amsterdam (NL), NGTV, 35 years of experience
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Supriya Vaidya Contact directly
SDL Certified High Quality Translator
Native in English Native in English, Marathi Native in Marathi
Diploma in Commercial and Technical tramslations i, OTHER-Diploma in commercial and technical translation in German from mumbai University , 16 years of experience
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Dorine Oz-Vermeulen Contact directly
Experience and dedication
Native in Dutch 
Stichting Instituut van Gerechtstolken en -vertalers, ATA, SIGV, 32 years of experience
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Nicola Doria Contact directly
Top Quality Solutions for Translation
Native in Italian 
Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), Universidad de Sevilla, Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language, OTHER-Postgraduate degree in Specialized Translation ENG>IT, Universities of Pisa and Genoa with ICoN Consortium, Translators without Borders, 8 years of experience
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IMSAveen (X) Contact directly
Your Language Specialist
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French
Bio: Senior French Native, Expat in The Netherlands, with near native English and excellent reading skills in Dutch. Bilingual (EN/FR) since 1983, in NL since 1990. Classical baccalaureate in Languages / Philosophy. Extensive work experience as an Trilingual Executive Ass...
Message: Hello Everyone!
Glad to be here and share this moment with you all.
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Marianne Reinen Contact directly
Top Quality, Good Price
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, BA-VAC Maastricht, NGTV, 15 years of experience
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YuliyaDoren Contact directly
Native in Russian Native in Russian, Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian
Bio: Senior student ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen
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Gisèle Bidenbach Contact directly
Translator & PR&Comm. expert
Native in French Native in French, Dutch Native in Dutch
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: As native speaker French with an extensive working and living experience in The Netherlands, I started my own company Fait Accompli three years ago. Fait Accompli assists and advices Dutch and French companies in their communications. Market research and translations (E...
Message: Hello,
As a freelance translator I am very mcuh looking forward to attending this event day and to learning more about possible assignments.
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Suzan Hamer Contact directly
Fussy editing for fussy people.
Native in English (Variant: US) 
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), BA-English Literature & Composition, UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), 30 years of experience
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Wilmer Brouwer Contact directly
10 years experience, friendly & helpful
Native in Dutch (Variant: Netherlands) 
MA-Free University (VU) Amsterdam , 10 years of experience
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InekeTromp (X) Contact directly
rigueur et fiabilité
Native in Dutch (Variant: Netherlands) 
Bio: Traductrice assermentée (wbtv 4782) ; membre NGTV, VVTNN.
Maîtrise Langue et Littérature françaises Université de Groningue (Pays-Bas), diplomée ITV (École supérieure pour la formation d'interprètres et de traducteurs)
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Dorota Pawlak Contact directly
translation and localization that works
Native in Polish 
Universität Wien (Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen), Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, MA-University of Vienna, ATA, IAPTI, 17 years of experience
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cberlam Contact directly
Native in Dutch 
Bio: Freelance translator English, Spanish -> Dutch.
Specialized in the fields of:
- Marketing materials,
- Mechanics (instruction manuals),
- Software

Institute for Translators and Interpreters (HIVT), University of Antwerp, Belgium (cum laude)
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Wordcrafting Contact directly
Translation and Language Services
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch, Portuguese Native in Portuguese
Bureau for Sworn Interpreters and Translators, MA-Utrecht University, 18 years of experience
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Shakhnoza Yunusova Contact directly
Native in Russian Native in Russian, Uzbek Native in Uzbek
Bio: Sworn Dutch-Russian translator, Uzbek translator, diploma in legal translation in criminal cases.
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Pieter Merkx, M.A., B.Tr. (X) Contact directly
Bridging people. Enabling business.
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
Bio: Translations from Spanish, Portuguese and Spanish to Dutch
Message: Bridging people. Enabling business.
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Marjolein Verhulsdonck-Roest Contact directly
Medical and pharmaceutical expertise
Native in Dutch (Variant: Netherlands) 
Bio: Full-time medical translator E-D & G-D since 2005,
Chair of the Dutch Association of Freelance Professional Translators VZV
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Evelien Snel Contact directly
Language & Technology
Native in Dutch 
Bio: Evelien Snel got a Master's degree in Electronics at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands in 1988. She started her career as a software engineer even before graduation and has worked in all stages of the software engineering process for several companie...
Message: Freelance translator/software engineer/teacher EN>NL, DE>NL, PT>NL, NL>EN, DE>EN, PT>EN. Interested in networking, co-operation and new projects.
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jfwalkate Contact directly
Professionally exact translations
Native in Dutch Native in Dutch
37 years of experience