Working languages:
English to French
Spanish to French

Eliane Bannwarth
Experienced in public health

Wihr au Val, Alsace, France
Local time: 03:40 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: French 
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I have been working as a freelance translator for 15 year now and I usually work in several general and specialised fields, mostly related public health for international organizations and NGOS. Here are a few examples of the main projects I have worked on:
- Public health: tobacco control, alcohol control, family planning, patient safety, international recommendations for health systems, healthcare programmes and policies and hospitals, MDs, nurses. 
Keywords: Traduction, anglais, français, espagnol, correspondance commerciale, courriers, lettres, générale, médical, traduction médicale. See more.Traduction, anglais, français, espagnol, correspondance commerciale, courriers, lettres, générale, médical, traduction médicale, santé publique, essai clinique, étude clinique, santé génésique, santé reproductive, gynécologie, obstétrique, planification familiale, IST, MST, tabagisme, lutte antitabac, lutte contre l'alcoolisme, alcool, alcoolisme, santé publique, tourisme, santé de la mère, santé de l'enfant, santé maternelle, santé infantile, santé néonatale, soins, santé, commerce, qualité, rapidité, Alsace, Haut-Rhin, Colmar Translation, English, French, Spanish, business correspondance, letters, general, medical, abstracts, public health, reproductive health, healthcare, clinical study, trial, clinical trial, newborn health, maternal health, child health, healthcare, tobacco control, tobacco, alcohol, alcohol control, woman health, child health, reliable, fast, efficient, availability, gynaecology, obstetrics traduccion, traductor, traductora, francés, inglés, espanol, médico, homeopatia, medicina, medicina complementaria, medicina alternativa, salud, mujer, estudio clinico, ensayo, salud infantil, calidad, fiabilidad, correspondencia comercial, salud publica, tabaco, alcohol, lucha contra el tabaco, lucha contra el alcohol, disponibilidad, rapidez. See less.

Profile last updated
Jan 20, 2022

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