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Spanish to English - Standard rate: 0.07 GBP per word German to English - Standard rate: 0.07 GBP per word
Spanish to English: Art book review General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Printing & Publishing
Source text - Spanish La compejidad del período renacentista en España viene dada por la continuidad de la presencia religiosa medieval a lo largo de todo el siglo, lo que da lugar a la aparición de un humanismo cristiano específico del mundo hispano, de que fue claro ejemplo la Orden Jesuita. Nos dice el autor: "Si el arte está anclado en una cultura, la del medio, la de los clientes, la de sus artífices, no todo los clientes ni siquiera los de un arte renacentista, tenían necesariamente que ser "humanistas", aunque pudieran ser muy cultos; no confundamos humanismo y erudición, ya sea sacra o profana".
Ejemplo claro de esta interrelación entre humanismo y sentido religioso en España es la proliferación de obras renacentistas en forma de iglesias y capillas frente a las escasa realizaciones de palacios y edificios institucionales. O, en otro orden de cosas, la profusión de retablos, tumbas, e imaginería frente a las pocas obras profanas, históricas o mitológicas. La existencia de un Renacimiento diferenciado, a pesar de todas las trabas y cortapisas que tuvo que superar, no es razón para negar su existencia, adaptada a las condiciones culturales de nuestro entorno que no eran, lógicamente, las de Italia.
Translation - English The complexity of the Renaissance period in Spain is determined by the presence of the church, a presence throughout the whole century which endured from the middle ages. It brought about a Christian humanism specific to the Spanish speaking world of which the Jesuit Order was a clear example. The author tells us, "if art is anchored in a culture, a culture based on our surroundings, on the patrons and the creators, it does not necessarily mean that all those patrons, not even those of the Renaissance, had to be "humanists", even though they may have been highly educated; let us not confuse humanism with erudition, whether it is religious or not".
A clear example of this interplay between humanism and religious sensibility in Spain was the proliferation of Renaissance works of art in the shape of churches and chapels compared to the scarcity of palaces or public institutions. Or, on a different level, there was the profusion of altarpieces, tombs and religious imagery compared to very few secular, historical or mythological works. The fact that this was a slightly different Renaissance, in spite of all the obstacles and limitations it had to overcome, does not mean that it did not exist. After all, the conditions of the cultural environment of Spain were obviously not the same as those of Italy.
Spanish to English: Managing salaries in Spain General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - Spanish En cuanto a su tratamiento como herramienta de gestión, las empresas están tomando también medidas importantes con las retribuciones, como:
• Tratar de reducir el número de niveles y categorías profesionales, con estructuras menos burocráticas y jerarquizadas.
• Valorar más las competencias personales, como formación, conocimientos…que el puesto de trabajo.
• Continuar con la potenciación de los componentes variables de paquete retributivo, favoreciendo de ese modo una mayor flexibilización de todo el sistema.
• Sustituir las comisiones tradicionales por incentivos según objectivos, con mayores expectativas teóricas de ingresos, pero condicionales al logro de cotas de rendimientos más exigentes.
• Sustituir incentivos individuales por incentivos colectivos en los casos en que interesa más la colaboración y la cohesión de los equipos que los planteamienos individualistas competitivos.
• Desarrollar sistemas de incentivos multinivel para recompensar mediante combinaciones de resultados individuales, de equipo y globales de la empresa.
Translation - English As a management tool, companies are also taking important measures to enhance the role of pay.
Among them:
• Attempts to reduce the number of professional levels and categories with less bureaucratic and hierarchical structures.
• Appraising personal skills, such as training and know-how, rather than on the present position itself.
• Promotion of the variable parts of the pay package in order to help to make the system more flexible.
• Replacing traditional commissions by incentives according to objectives with higher expectations of income, but which depend on more demanding levels of performance .
• Replacing individual incentives by group incentives in areas which encourage more collaboration and teamwork rather than individualistic competitiveness.
• Developing multilevel incentive schemes by combining individual, group and overall company results.
German to English: PhD Proposal - The portrayal of the family in European cinema General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - German Im Neuen Deutschen Film legte der Regisseur Rainer Werner Fassbinder die schmerzende, schneidende wie entlarvende Vergrößerungslupe auf die deutsche Familie: In seinen Filmen Angst essen Seele auf (1974), Angst vor der Angst (1975) oder Chinesisches Roulette (1976) dekonstruiert das enfant terrible des Deutschen Films die gängigen Familienmythen, indem er die reziproken Wirkungsmechanismen zwischen einer unbarmherzigen Gesellschaft und der Familie, en detail nachzeichnet. Aktuell versuchen die deutschen Filmemacher der Berliner Schule die innerfamiliären Klaustrophobien zu thematisieren.
Im italienischen Kino ist es Luchino Visconti, der mit seinen Filmen immer wieder familiäre Strukturen umkreist und deren Zerfall wie moralischen Verfall opulent zu bebildern vermag. Visconti, der selbst einer traditionsreichen aristokratischen Großfamilie entstammt und die Verwerfungen innerhalb großer Clans am eigenen Leib erfahren hat, seziert in seinem Film La caduta degli dei (Götterdämmerung) den graduellen, physischen wie moralischen Niedergang einer Industriellenfamilie im faschistischen Italien. In seiner ihm eigenen kraftvollen Bildersprache legt Visconti die jeder Familie inhärenten komplizierten Familienstrukturen offen; Spätestens, wenn es um den eigenen Machterhalt, und um die eigenen ökonomische Vorteile geht, sind Treue, Verlässlichkeit und Brüderlichkeit – allesamt Komponenten die Familiengefüge bestimmen und ihren Erhalt auch stärken– von Gier und Habsucht zerstört. Selbst vom Tabuthema des Inzest wird die Familie nicht verschont. Bei Visconti werden, feste und wie stabile Familienzusammenschlüsse durch politische Einflüsse wesentlich erschüttert. Der Familienethos geprägt von Rücksichtnahme und Zusammenhalt, den die vormalige Generation pflegt, ist perdu.
Translation - English In New German Cinema, the director, Rainer Werner Fassbinder took a magnifying glass to the German family, dissecting it through the most painful of revelations. His films, Fear Eats the Soul (1974), Fear of Fear (1975) or Chinese Roulette (1976) deconstruct the popular myth of the family already present in German films, which traces in detail, the reciprocal relationship between a merciless society and the family unit. These were the prevailing attempts of the Berlin School to explore the claustrophobia felt within the family.
In Italian cinema it was Luchino Visconti whose films centred round the structure of the family and whose decay and moral decline he managed to decadently characterise. Visconti, who descended from a traditionally titled and aristocratic family himself, experienced firsthand the ruptures within large clans. This set the scene for his film La caduta degli dei (The Damned) – the gradual, physical and moral ruin of an industrial family in Fascist Italy. Using his own powerful visual language, he reveals how complex structures are inherent in every family. Only when it comes to maintaining power and giving you an economic advantage, then loyalty, reliability and brotherhood, components which together confirm the family unit and reinforce their preservation, are destroyed by greed and desire. The family is not even spared the taboo of incest. Through Visconti, strong and stable family relations are shaken up by political influences. The family ethos marked by former generations, those of consideration and social cohesion, is gone forever.
Translation education
Other - CIoL Diploma in Translation course, IH Barcelona
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Sep 2007.
I am a Spanish to English and German to English translator and native British English speaker. I completed the Chartered Institute of Linguists Diploma in Translation Course in 2007. I hold an MA in Literature from the University of Essex and my fields of expertise are:Academic, Advertising, Art, Literature, Language, Film and Theatre, Photography, Journalism.
- MA Literature
- BA (hons) in English Language and Literature
- CIoL Diploma in translation course at International House, Barcelona
Translation Work - Spanish to English:
- photographic exhibition portfolio
- photobooks for gallery exhibitions
- PhD Proposals: drama and art
- articles on the subject of dance for a bi-lingual magazine
- regular literary reviews for a Latin American magazine
- financial statements
- book reviews
- script editing
Translation Work - German to English:
- PhD Proposal on European film
- PhD Proposal on theatre
- banking articles
- freight agreement
- financial statements and financial reports
- project on linguistics
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