Working languages:
English to Portuguese
French to Portuguese
Spanish to Portuguese

Availability today:

March 2025

Ana Cravidao
Technical Translator

Local time: 20:06 WET (GMT+0)

Native in: Portuguese Native in Portuguese
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What Ana Cravidao is working on
Jul 30, 2023 (posted via  I've just finished a translation for a health plan ...more, + 10 other entries »
Total word count: 42820

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- I am a freelance translator working mainly from English into (European) Portuguese, with 18 years of experience as in-house as well as freelance translator.

- As in-house translator, I have worked for major IT companies in Portugal, namely, Memorisoft - an IBM representative for AS/400 mainframes, and Swedish Multinational Intentia -manufacturer for Movex ERP system.

- As a freelance translator, I have focused in SAP systems, Medicine, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Wine Industry, and Political Science and Elections. Nevertheless, I am open to working in new fields.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 217
PRO-level pts: 191

Top languages (PRO)
English to Portuguese104
Portuguese to English51
Spanish to Portuguese16
French to Portuguese16
Portuguese to Spanish4
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Finance (general)20
Government / Politics19
Medical (general)16
Law: Contract(s)16
Mathematics & Statistics8
Education / Pedagogy8
Pts in 16 more flds >

See all points earned >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects9
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
English to Portuguese6
French to Portuguese3
Specialty fields
Business/Commerce (general)1
Computers: Software1
Medical: Health Care1
Other fields
Engineering: Industrial1
Environment & Ecology1
Keywords: tradutora, portuguesa, português europeu, translator, profissional, translation, traduções, portugal, lisboa, setúbal. See more.tradutora, portuguesa, português europeu, translator, profissional, translation, traduções, portugal, lisboa, setúbal, inglês, francês, espanhol, manual, telemóvel, localização, Portuguese, English, localization, SAP, management software, software, management, ERP system, ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, integrated software application, Movex, Movex ERP, tradução, tradutor, tradutora, retroversão, informática, português, francês, espanhol, inglês, MOVEX, gestão, empresa, administração, contabilidade, POC, TOC, contabilista, relatório, documento, texto, tradutor técnico, técnico, negócios, comércio, comercial, biologia, médico, medicina, relatório de caso, case report, technical translator, accounting, enterprise, company, business, plano oficial de contas, accounting, accoutant, commercial, commerce, biology, doctor, medicine, chart of accounts, chart of accounts SAP, chart of accounts table, international organization, government, politics, wine, oenology, viticulture, management, IT, information technology, internet, e-commerce, economics, economia, recursos humanos, human resources, psychology, psicologia, pharmaceuticals, farmacêutica, química, bioquímica, química orgânica, química inorgânica, botany, botânica, indústria do papel, pulp company, paper manufacturing, arts, crafts, arte, artesanato, fotografia, photography, music, música, food, drink, cooking, culinária, gastronomia, medical terminology, termos médicos, glossário, dicionário, terminologia, terminologia médica, traductora, traducción, traducciones, translations, übersetzen, Portugal, networks, windows, unix, java, html, xml, websites, hardware, manuales, manual, tecnología, contabilidad, Windows, industria, computación, informatique, redes, sistemas operativos, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Inglés, Francés, Español, Portugués, traduire, traducir, português europeu, translator, tradutora, portuguesa, editing/proofreading, . See less.

Profile last updated
Jan 6